Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Results Are In!

The results are in! While I don't SEE as much of a difference, I FEEL a HUGE difference!

Here are my wins bc I want to make sure that not only I CELEBRATE these wins, but my team mates celebrate their wins too!!

I can do 5 OVERHAND pull ups instead of 2 without stopping!!

I GAINED 3lbs of muscle

I completed yet another program proving that I and my girls Richelle, Catherine, Eva and Samantha are the type of women who can put their mind to something and GO AFTER IT!

I strengthened my mindset and completed our audiobooks SOUNDTRACKS UNF*** YOURSELF & DO THE WORK

I freaking enjoyed ALLLLL the foods this holiday through this challenge and had celebratory drinks and eats and made my puppy chow and didn't have ANY GUILT OR SHAME ABOUT IT! Big win in my book!

I started adding MORE to my superfoods shake and I am feeling full of energy and I 2x a day now!!!! Yes I'm celebrating poop, bc I used to only go 3x a week!!! My gut needed heals y'all!

My next challenge starts TOMORROW and I'm so freaking excited to do this with you!!!! I'll be using this pic as my PROGRESS pic.. and remember thats what this's progress, ALWAYS. No, before afters, we celebrate the JOURNEY and how we FEEL more than a number on the scale or a size we want to reach. We Celebrate LIFE!!!!!

Cheers to our Present Over Perfect group, we are gonna CRUSH IT!!!!!!!

Adding to My Life

This Leg Day workout reminded me of how strong my legs actually are...and yes, I see some fat here, and LOVE that I have it!!!

I'm not changing my habits to "lean out" or even give up things.

This is about ADDING to my life....

Adding in more self love and embracing who I am and what my body can do.

I'm embracing who I am NOW and who I am becoming tomorrow.

I show my journey to remind you that a size or a certain shape shouldn't be the goal. True health is about how you feel about YOU.

I love that 80/20 life. I'm present, not perfect. This a big part of our challenge that starts January 9th.

What if you worked out bc you LOVED your body now?
What if you ate without guilt or shame?

What if you took a chance on YOU ?

This has helped me overcome so much in my life & I want you to experience this too.

My group starts January 9th. I'd love to be PRESENT OVER PERFECT with YOU too.

Let's chat babe

#thesweatlifewithsarah #presentoverperfectchallenge #sweatwithsarah

Puffy Self-Care

Puffy face from a 90 minute massage..and loving it!! What's your favorite self care practice that you do?! Or maybe something you want to start doing in 2023?

Btw, if you are near Auburn Indiana, I HIGHLY Recommend Tina Horton from "Shear Expressions" for a deep tissue massage! You will it!!

End of Week 3!

End of Week 3...officially 1/2 way through this! Pull-ups are still hard, but I did 3 full ones from a full hang... no kipping or momentum. I'd say that's a WIN! Remember that you never want to measure by JUST using a scale. You can celebrate non scale victories by celebrating..

celebrate How many plants you ate this week! On my program we aim for 30 different ones per week!).

celebrate How many nights we got of 8 hours sleep!

Celebrate the number of days we hit that 100 oz water goal!

celebrate your strength by measuring it weekly(like I'm doing with pull ups!). You could do length of plank or wall sit time or number of reps you can do with good form before stopping.

celebrate how many minutes you spent improving your mindset with podcasts or audiobooks.

Trust me, you MUST celebrate the journey bc even if a goal IS met, you might not ever feel proud, and YES, you deserve to feel proud of yourself!!!!

There's a few spots left for my January 9th group!!! Wanna chat!? Fill out my Virtual Health Club form here

#gogritchallenge #sweatwithsarah #thesweatlifewithsarah

Confidence Through Sweat

When I got my Zumba license in 2008 I wore spandex UNDER my sweatpants bc I was so scared sweat would show after these programs I have the confidence to NOT GIVE A what others think of me!!!!!

I Started week 3 today, and yes EXACTLY 3 weeks away I'm starting our PRESENT OVER PERFECT Challenge group & it's my goal to help 100 people in 2023 change thier life and say, YES, I'M CONFIDENT.

No matter what we look like, this is INTERNAL about how we FEEL about ourselves!!!

And YES, I want your sweaty beautiful booty here WITH ME too!!

We are diving into a personal growth audiobook together every month, we are also getting onto the physiology os WHY we eat what we eat annd FINALLY gain confidence in our nutrition.

Are YOU in?! I don't want you to feel ready to do this...I want you to come scared and unsure and a little weary, bc YES that's how we ALL start!!!! So come with me, babe!!!!!!!

Message me, I'M HERE FOR YOU....unless you want to send me a picture, then my husband will be blocking you


I loved the time we got to catch up this weekend!!! Here's my siblings and thier families from Spain, Florida, Idaho and Kansas. Love you all so much

I should have gotten a pic from our friends-giving, special thanks to Eddie's Brother Ray, Sean and Sabby and Heather from my Zumba classes for coming over and sharing our Thanksgiving meal with us and making them watch the musical SPIRITED Yes, it was me and Eddie's 2nd time watching it bc we loved it!!! It's was definitely a holiday that I live celebrating with loved ones Hope you a great Holiday weekend as well!!!

You Deserve to Love Your Body

Not a before/after just a reminder that you deserve to love your body as it is & If you ate a lot during the holiday, (or plan too) DO IT & do NOT feel bad.

I struggled with that FOR YEARS and would binge on the holiday then starve and workout like crazy the following day. That only led me to an unhealthy obsession with the scale and a negative mindset around food.

Here's what helped me a few years ago when I finally decided I was worthy to TRY to love myself and stop the harsh judgment of my body.

I ditched the scale.

I started to aim to drink 100 oz of water.

I drank a superfoods smoothie every day that helped me FEEL better.

I bought clothes that FIT & got rid of "goal clothes."

I started to meditate and practice gratitude by how much my body could do.

I made personal development a MUST everyday that helped me have a better mindset on what I could control.

I hope this helps you in some way & trust me when I say you will NEVER be happy with yourself or the way you look if you treat your body with hatred rather than love.

Take a deep breathe. Enjoy the moments with family & friends & remember that one meal or a few treats this week will NOT derail you...and even if it does a little, you are OK!!! This is NOT about perfection! Be in the moment and practice gratitude in the RIGHT NOW. You are worthy to love the life you have RIGHT NOW.

Blank Check

Fun fact... this sweatshirt is 20 years old. When I went to college 02, I was lucky enough for my parents to pay(for the year I kinda went).

They told me to go to college and I went. I went ALONE and freaking scared to death. It was also the first time I ever drove outside of my tiny town(& yes, got my licence at 18 just a few minths before).

When I got there I knew I needed to buy books and I had a blank I got the books I needed, then realized I HAD A BLANK CHECK. so I turned around and bought college swag

I kept this sweatshirt to remind me, that I CAN do hard and scary things BY MYSELF. While college life didn't last long, during that period of my life I started to take on new challenges and realize that if it was meant to be, it was up to me....& it's also OK to ask for help... just like that lady that showed me how to write that first check at college.

I'm so grateful for the way I was raised. I'm so grateful for my childhood, my parents and my siblings and lifelong friends. I am who I am because I was given opportunities to grow and figure it out on my own way, which makes me have a pretty positive outlook on life.

In what way are you grateful for your childhood?

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