Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Top 10 Days

Today, on the Virtual Retreat Zoom, I heard my friends Cassie and Sabrina share about their TOP 10 it got me thinking about my TOP 10 DAYS throughout my own life.

As I sat and wrote them down, Cassie had mentioned her INTENTIONALITY of CREATING a TOP 10 day when she went to NY for the first time. She said it's a TOP 10 day, even before it started! She said she was like a kid in a candy store with every new experience and I LOVED hearing her story. You could FEEL the excitement and have the experience with her and through her!

It reminded me,..what if, instead of just thinking about your life and what are YOUR TOP 10- what if you listed 5 and then, planned on creating your next 5?

Maybe your next Top 10 day is a moment of celebration during this holiday. Maybe it's you taking the time to THANK a loved one for being there for you.

Maybe you have a TOP 10 DAY because YOU actually CREATE IT.

Life happens TO YOU all the time, but what if your intention is that YOU CREATE how your day goes!? I'm not saying it's going to be PERFECT and no, it DOES NOT have to be even close. Maybe it's NO DIFFERENT from every year, but YOU are different.

YOU are kinder to yourself.
YOU are kinder to others.
YOU have more gratitude for WHAT IS, rather than what you WISHED it was.

The happiest people in the world don't get everything they want. Instead, they WANT for everything they already get.

That's happiness. That's how we create MORE joy in our life and we lack nothing because you see your life and the people in your life as a gift.

We don't know what tomorrow or next year brings so have INTENTIONALITY on this day. Right here. RIght now.

Btw, here's a Top 10 day for me. Just yesterday my niece Daleksa came over with her sweet family and we made puppy chow and later on, I had a virtual retreat kick off call with a really powerful message then it ended with me, watching Seinfeld while Eddie and Batman and Harvey all cuddled and napped on a chaise with me. We had no room to even move & I loved it.

What's a top 10 day that you have or plan on having? It doesn't have to be EXTRAORDINARY, but you can be more intentional in noticing the gratitude you have.


I really unplugged this weekend, and we hung out with our Franklin, TN friends, and it was everything and more.

(Repeat after me)....

I don't take good people for granted.

I tell them I love them.

I tell them I appreciate them.

I tell them that my life is better because they are in it.

That's what this weekend was for us. Laughter, tears, games, great food and more laughter. Feeling so grateful for great friends you guys really are AMAZING people. Thank you.

It's Possible!

WOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! Walmart just announced they’re sending out $1,000 "thank-you" checks if you refer 8 friends to shop there......


But wanna know WHAT store would do that for you and your family?

The one I've been shopping at for 4 years!!!!!!

We all NEED to buy stuff like cleaning supplies, deodorant, and shampoo anyway. But have you ever gotten a thank-you check from Walmart for shopping there?

So why keep supporting them?

You’re ALREADY buying these things, so why not shop from a company that is MORE AFFORDABLE, USA owned, debt free that cares about your family and gives you a thank you check EVERY MONTH that your shoppers shop!!!!

And guys, I have a 96% re order rate bc people LOVE saving money here!!!

If you have questions, I'm an open book and would love to help you get to where you want to go in 2025.



Healing comes from the courage to ask for what you want in life.

So I said.....

I wanted a job that paid for travel.

I wanted to work my own hours & not report to a boss.

I wanted to earn enough to cover my jeep, my mortgage and my bills that month.

I wanted to partner with a company that had integrity and core beliefs that aligned with how I believed it's Referral marketers & employees should be treated.

I wanted to partner with a company that gave jobs to people without taking advantage of other countries.

I wanted to partner with a company that had AMAZING customer service.

I wanted a fair opportunity for ALL so I could show others that it could be done.

I found that HERE.

I actually toured the Distribution center, home office with customer service and saw the powder plant where EVERYTHING is made too.

All in Idaho.

I didn't think a company like this existed.

It does.

And the same promo that they ran back in July of 2023, (where I earned enough to pay for my Jeep payment, mortgage payment and bills in my 1st month of working this biz) is back!

If you have been on the fence about this, then I invite you to learn more from a "WEALTHY WORKSHOP: MANIFEST MONEY ZOOM" with my Naturopath and me this Saturday at 11am est.

I'll be sharing exactly how & I'm throwing in a FREE MANIFEST 2025 GUIDE too!!!

Comment MANIFEST if you want to check it out!!!!!!

Be courageous today and ask for what YOU want in life. You deserve this friend.


When I look back at the end of my life, I don't want to say:

I wish I WOULD HAVE taken more trips with people I love..... Or ....

I wish I WOULD HAVE tried to work for myself rather than working on building someone elses dreams.

Those "I WISH" moments or "WOULD BE NICE" thoughts held me back FOR YEARSSSSSSSSS.

It filled me with envy, resentment, and feels of unworthiness.

So what changed?

I said yes when I was unsure.

I said yes to learning to make posts that I was SO AFRAID that others would judge me or call me cringe for.

I said yes to ME for the first time in YEARS. I was SO DONE trying to impress people that will NEVER pay my bills anyhow!!!

That confidence grew only after HUNDREDS...or even thousands of rejections from others.

The list of IGNORES is long, but it didn't stop me.

I realize the only thing that super successful people had that others didn't was being CONSISTENT over time.

I could be consistent.

I could show up in a space and share what helped me.

I could earn that free trip to Hawaii.

I could earn that free to trip to Mexico.

I could help others in this space to achieve the same success.

Let's freaking GOOOOOOO!!!!

So I took that "could" and put ACTION behind it.


I stopped being offended by what others did or didn't do, and I found my super power.

and since this post is already too long....

I'm sharing more of my story on Saturday at 11am est in a "WEALTHY WORKSHOP: MANIFEST MONEY IN 2025 " free Zoom. Wanna check it out? I'm including a free MANIFEST guide, too!

I dont know what 2025 means to you, but I know where I'm going. Wanna manifest big scary hairy goals and dreams together?


This is my friend Doreen. We met at a Women's retreat in August that the amazing Sabrina hosted!! As you all know, I'm OBSESSED with this Wellness store and I shared a few products with Doreen and encouraged her to check out this place.

This is her after she started shopping and swapping (she signed up in September)

These vitamins, skin care care and getting away from name brand toxic cleaners has DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED HER SKIN!!!!! I'm so freaking happy for you Doreen!!!!!

So Many Trips

These last 4 trips in the last 3 months could not have been possible without taking a chance and partnering with an INCREDIBLE company that truly cares for it's customers & Referral Marketers.

If you are ready to pivot and you are willing to save money on healthier, safer, home & self care products & supplements, then I know a good place that ALSO PAYS you your worth.

#builditbetter #foundmybetterhere #HolisticHomeWellness #thebestwellnessbusiness

Dream Big

Just got some really awesome news, and the best part is Eddie congratulating me for achieving it.

He's always encouraged me even when things get tough or I doubt myself. I think of all the couples & friends out there who talk themselves out of great ideas bc of thier own insecurities and I want to encourage you all to DREAM BIG and encourage your partner amd friends to do the same.

These free trips and this career would have never been possible if it weren't for the circle of DREAMERS I have with me on this wild ride. I love you all. You know who you are.


THIS BLOWS MY MIND, so I thought I would share. Did you know that the U.S. only bans 11 toxins/chemicals from our cosmetics, skincare & foods?!?!?

While Europe bans more than over 1,300 What?!?!!?! I mean I knew the FDA was bad, but THIS BAD!?!?!?

Sei Bella products(from that Holisitc store I wint stop talking about)are formulated with EUROPEAN GRADE STANDARDS which means no toxins or chemicals, no parabens, no Phtalates, it doesn't ’t test on animals, non-GMO and ships right to your door.

When you are ready to detox your skin care and hair care(and save money) you know where to find me

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