Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

How do you motivate a team?

Yesterday, a fellow Wellness Business builder asked me, ...."How do you motivate a team of people towards their health and wealth goals without getting burned out?"

Simple answer is....

I don't.

Yes, I give them the tools that I KNOW work, but it's up to them to DO IT.

I will never take credit for someone's failure or success.

I will try my best at LEADING BY EXAMPLE, but it's up to THEM to show up for the life they WANT to live.

It's hard work trying to get someone to DO something. It's EASIER work when YOU focus on YOURSELF.

Be the person YOU would want to work for.
Be the person YOU would want to marry.
Be the person YOU would want in your corner.
Be the person that DESERVES a 10k month.
Be the person that DESERVES a healthy body.

With so much out of our own control, when you start to focus on the few RIGHT things, then amazing can and does happen. And that's God Willing bc every day I see GOOD people hurting, even when they do EVERYTHING RIGHT.

If you ARE capable of more, then why would you NOT SHOW UP FOR THAT!?!?!?! Im not saying ALL THE TIME. Heck, I just danced and took the last 90 min off work.

All I'm saying is, there's someone out there RIGHT NOW with less talent, friends, money and health who's GIVING IT THEIR ALL and you aren't, and most likely you have more privilege too.

Hurt a little bit? Good. When you start to APPRECIATE what you have and STOP TAKING FOR GRANTED THIS GIFT CALLED LIFE, then you get out of your own way, shut up your ego down, and FINALLY LIVE.

You don't know what YOU HAVE right now, until you stop, say THANK YOU, and then GET TO WORK on appreciating life.

Thanks for coming to my TED TALK. Now get up, dance, and then GET TO WORK ON WHAT MATTERS. Stop scrolling. Start living in alignment with your core values.

BEYOND Ridiculous

This is BEYOND a ridiculous let me explain my enthusiasm

I JUST shared in my private group about the last recent pay day. And it gives me chills. And then I read what my friends shared with me. And THIS IS WHY I WON'T STOP SHARING ABOUT THIS!!!!

Supplements our retirement so we don’t have to touch our savings. -Lorna

Happy Pay day I have a repeat income of .... And I use this to help with our mortgage, utilities and paying off debt!- Bobbi

Currently my family of 4 just landed in Royalton Splash Riviera Cancun fans & Guests 2024 from Winnipeg. Couldn’t have come without my additional income - Janet

Covers my order each month and a round of groceries - Amy

My husband is a golf professional. And late just say he calls me sugar momma. I’ve never been able to provide for my family like I do now. I truly feel blessed to bring in a second income from home while homeschooling my yougest... -Janice

I was shocked to see that my paycheck continues to stay so steady even when I have slower months. I plan to use this months check to buy plane tickets to the Virgin Islands! I have decided that traveling with my kids while they’re still living at home is most important to us! -Dawn

My paycheck is steady each month. It’s so nice to know I can count on this repeat income!! This check will bridge the gap of a weekly to bi-wkly payday change with my part time job to cover household expenses AND some will go into savings. Thank goodness for this check especially after the holidays! -Jessica

Btw, you can SEE these acreenshots in my stories today, bc YES THIS JOB IS REAL!!!!!

I have a REPEAT reorder rate & almost 96% of my customers STAY so that means people LOVE shopping here!!!! Ask yourself in this economy how can anyone afford to spend money at BIG BOX STORES?

I help people save money on everyday essentials. Yup, we have nearly 500 products & those that want to refer can REALLY make an income here when they commit to the work!!!! And MOST people I work with already have ft jobs! Thats the beauty of an Online job!

Making a Difference

There are a thousand reasons why I not only shop at this store, but I refer to this store too....and here's just one of them & YES, I am Absolutely proud to be part of this caring and compassionionate company!!!

During the worst wildfire in Los Angeles history, The Wellnes store is stepping up to support the brave firefighters on the frontlines by providing essential products.

It’s an honor to be part of a company dedicated to bringing relief and making a difference when it matters most.

So freaking tasty!!!!

Just checked into my 80/20 Group and thought I would share here too!!! Here's my Lunch and recipe!

It's always 2 veggies and protien! Keep it simple!

I made this for me and Eddie....

1 Onion
1 large jalapeño
Garlic clove
(Cook 4 min.)
Ad 1 chopped Brat
Cook 4 more minutes
Add 4 eggs
(Scramble and cook another 4 minutes)
Top with mozzarella shredded cheese
Top with sirracha

Don't forget your high absorption rate vitamins and water with electrolytes!!!!

So freaking tasty!!!!

Better at 41

I just got a message today saying I look healthier NOW than when I filmed Insanity Max30 (in 2014), and I have to agree. Also, I FEEL better at 41 than I did at 31, and that's because of a few reasons....

1. Cardio is NOT going to get you the results you want. Sure, it will burn calories (but overtraining will hurt your joints and cause inflammation), so I now do 1 CARDIO dance fitness class per week because 45 min a week is all you really need.

2. Lift baby. Lift!

There's a reason I tell each of my clients to commit to mt S.W.E.A.T Program. It's 35 min and focused mobility and strength & I know it works( I've been following it for 20 months). we have never repeated the same workout either.

3. More Fiber. More protien. Nuff said.

4. I stopped drinking plain water....

Hear me out. Everything I drink has a purpose...

Here are my drinks in a day:

Coffee with an added fiber/protein mix and sometimes collagen added

Electrolytes with pre workout

Electrolytes with tumeric ginger supplements sometimes have tbs vinegar or kombucha in it

Vit c scoop with magnesium scoop

5. Saying NO.

The ONLY person that can work THE HARDEST at building the life YOU LOVE.... IS YOU!!!!

You have to learn to let go of what doesn't serve you so you can say YES to taking care of YOU.

No to social media(turn-off notifications)

No to checking work emails outside of work hours

No to the person who drains the everloving life you have left.

No to a job that doesn't fulfill(build something on the side or seek out what aligns better with you).

When you say no, now you will have some time left for YESSES that truly matter.

If I Can, I Will

DAY 1 (or 4,000) BABY!!! When you follow an 80/20 lifestyle, you don't look at starting & ending anymore & that's what I'm hoping that everyone in my challenge learns from this 6 weeks....bc there is no ending.

There's swapping out certain foods, sure, but that's because we want to heal rather harm our bodies.

Will we still have treats from time to time? Yup. I plan on it!

Tbh, I hope that with whatever program or challenge you are following, you start to look at food differently too.

I had really struggled with certain programming when I was encouraged to eat around 800-1000 calories a day when i was already bingienf and starving myself all theoigh my 20's. I cannot and will NEVER promote that.


No more CUTTING, just adding in what will help us sweep out toxins and give us the energy we need to get stronger from our workouts, not weaker.

And coming back after being sick, I KNOW I need this focus with THIS program now more than ever!!!!

Here's my REAL LIFE check-in I shared in my group. I thought I would share it here, too

I have been having digestive issues(been sick the last 5 days), and I was thinking it was too much vitamin C....I did increase my C supplement & it might be too much for me. ....So now I'm upping my fiber instead.

I had a fiber/protein(GC) mix in my coffee this am and had a scoop of green apple fiber and had that for mid breakfast.

Did a lower body workout(in the RESET fb group), and Batman, my doggo pooped on the livestream. I have a them in my life rnoye vey....

Had a good workout, tho!!! Now eating this! Balsamic mix with lettuce, mozzarella, tomatoes, and the Riverbend Steak from our Holistic Wellness store! So freaking good!!!!

Hope you all are having a good, strong Monday!

Today's affirmation...

IF I CAN, I WILL!!!!!!!!

Yes || Manifest

The last few years, my word of the year has really helped me to focus on what was important to me.

In 2023 my word was YES & in July of that year, I said YES to becoming an affiliate/referral marketer for a store that I had been shopping at for a few years.

If I wouldn't have said YES, I would have missed out on an extra income, extra trips with Eddie & we would have been in a BAD financial situation now that Beachbody is gone. So thank you 2023 for teaching me to say YES.

In 2024 I chose the word MANIFEST. I wanted to Manifest a life where I had even more meaningful relationships with women I was inspired by. (You know who you are, ladies)

I got to work more closely with my friends, who not only dreamed BIG, but they showed up for it, too. It kept me inspired through hard times.

So thank you 2024 for teaching me that to Manifest a life I truly loved living was possible when I am surrounded by the right people.

2025 my word is JOY because as I've learned to shed negative thoughts and energy, I feel the need to fill that empty space with JOY.

I will be adding these affirmations to my board, too(say these with me)

I am a joyful person & when others are around me, I want them to feel like they are on vacay!

I create joy in my life not by avoiding things that push me outside my comfort zone, but by welcoming new challenges so I can learn more.

I choose to find joy in the moment & I am present to what matters most to me.

I am joyful when I am in the presence of people that I love.

If I am feeling that my joy is depleted I will say NO when I need to, so that way I can spend more time on what and who fills my cup instead.

I won't be tempted by "false joy". I won't turn to food, shopping, alcohol or anything else that does more harm than healing.

I am worthy to protect my joy and only share it with the best people. When I do this, I know it's not selfish because it shows others that they should also value their life too.

Thanks for reading friends! This is going to be a joyful year!!!!!!

If you chose a word for the year, please share it below and WHY that word matters to you also!

Top 10 Days

Today, on the Virtual Retreat Zoom, I heard my friends Cassie and Sabrina share about their TOP 10 it got me thinking about my TOP 10 DAYS throughout my own life.

As I sat and wrote them down, Cassie had mentioned her INTENTIONALITY of CREATING a TOP 10 day when she went to NY for the first time. She said it's a TOP 10 day, even before it started! She said she was like a kid in a candy store with every new experience and I LOVED hearing her story. You could FEEL the excitement and have the experience with her and through her!

It reminded me,..what if, instead of just thinking about your life and what are YOUR TOP 10- what if you listed 5 and then, planned on creating your next 5?

Maybe your next Top 10 day is a moment of celebration during this holiday. Maybe it's you taking the time to THANK a loved one for being there for you.

Maybe you have a TOP 10 DAY because YOU actually CREATE IT.

Life happens TO YOU all the time, but what if your intention is that YOU CREATE how your day goes!? I'm not saying it's going to be PERFECT and no, it DOES NOT have to be even close. Maybe it's NO DIFFERENT from every year, but YOU are different.

YOU are kinder to yourself.
YOU are kinder to others.
YOU have more gratitude for WHAT IS, rather than what you WISHED it was.

The happiest people in the world don't get everything they want. Instead, they WANT for everything they already get.

That's happiness. That's how we create MORE joy in our life and we lack nothing because you see your life and the people in your life as a gift.

We don't know what tomorrow or next year brings so have INTENTIONALITY on this day. Right here. RIght now.

Btw, here's a Top 10 day for me. Just yesterday my niece Daleksa came over with her sweet family and we made puppy chow and later on, I had a virtual retreat kick off call with a really powerful message then it ended with me, watching Seinfeld while Eddie and Batman and Harvey all cuddled and napped on a chaise with me. We had no room to even move & I loved it.

What's a top 10 day that you have or plan on having? It doesn't have to be EXTRAORDINARY, but you can be more intentional in noticing the gratitude you have.

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