Lunch time!!!! Btw, I sent out an email about what a typical eating day looks like. I'll share it here too.......
Somebody asked me if I JUST eat one meal a day and I was like, "Are you kidding??!?!? I eat ALL THE TIME!!!!" But if she thought it then maybe you do too and I need to be super honest with you because what I do and what I eat is NOT hard to follow!
I'm NOT on a diet. I DO have a day or two a week where I eat out and I DO have a drink when I'm out.
I just set up my environment AT HOME that is suitable for my goals. If I set myself up to fail...then I fail. But if I make sure that my 'go-to' snacks are more on the healthy side, then I don't binge like I used to.
So yeah, you won't see Doritos or alcohol in my house because I have weaknesses too! I AM HUMAN!!!!
With that said, here's what a typical day looks like...
AM - I chug water throughout the day (my fav bottle. is 40 oz and I drink AT LEAST 80 from JUST water throughout the WHOLE day. I feel my best when I hit 100-120 oz water and that's JUST water, I don't count tea, coffee or my pre-workouts mix or shake.)
Upon waking I chug water before I drink 6 oz coffee with 6 oz oat milk and have 1or 2 oatmeal bars (each are 110 cals)
DURING my workout I drink a full 24oz water with my pre workout and hydrate mix (from my performance line that I can tell ya more about if interested
After the workout I have my superfoods shake (which I can also tell ya more about & get ya a discount With my shake I add 2-3 cups frozen fruit so I get in ALL my fruit for the day (in total around 400-500 cals)
I also have a salty snack like chickpea puffs with it (170 cals)
A later afternoon snack is veggies with bitchin sauce (so good btw, get it if you struggle with just eating veggies. That's usually around 200-300 cals including dipping sauce)
Dinner is a hello fresh meal which is 600-1,000 cals and dessert is usually a granola mix with almond milk that I make like cereal or one of my superfoods balls (another 300-500 cals)
So yea, I definitely don't eat one meal per day. I am getting in around 2,000- 2,300 cals a day. I workout 5.25 hours per week so my body needs it
I hope that helps! Remember being healthy is NOT about being PERFECT. Its about listening to what your needs and CHOOSING to find healthier alternatives.
If you want to chat about my meal planning, superfoods and supplements I use that have helped me these last 8.5 years then I would love to chat! My next challenge is starting up in October. Wanna join?
Was anyone else IN A MOOD yesterday?! Maybe the moon has something to do with it, but I gotta tell ya something... I was a complete jerk to Eddie yesterday. This am after his workout he gave me a long hug and said, "you know I love you, right?"
It wasn’t until later today that I was FINALLY willing to say the words...."sorry I was a jerk yesterday."
He gave me kiss and we are back to our normal feels.
Anyhow, yea, we don't agree on everything but we DO agree on the important stuff, like treating each other with love even when the other is in a mood.
I just wish I could be more like Eddie and forgive before a sorry is even heard. So here's another life lesson from my best friend.....and he's making me risotto! Love you babes!!!!
Finished my 3-day vegan cleanse and I feel pretty freaking amazing! Bloat is gone, I'm back to more regularity and I wasn't concerned about weight loss but I released 3lbs of waste y'all!!!!
I do this quarterly because sometimes my gut needs a good reboot and yes, 3 days is SO doable! This isn't a diet, bc I ate....A LOT.
If you are needing to get back on track that also helps educate you and makes you more confident in holistic nutrition & healing then let's talk! I'm starting a new group in October, want me to save you a spot?
"I see your posts and I scroll past them"...."you know, what you do, doesn't really work."...."why are you inviting me to this?".... "If I see you're live on video, I try to scroll past so you don't see that I saw your video ."...."WHY are you wasting time online?"... "You look too skinny."....."you've been eating too many little Debbie's, bc your skirt is too tight."...
Yup, all things I've been told...but I'm still here. And that's what matters most.
And trust me, what I do ACTUALLY works. And tbh, I don't show up for the approval of others. I show up to share my journey to empower others to take action on thier goals too.
I do this for girl C....who wants to be able to cut back from her job and stay home with her kiddo more.
I do this for my guy he can have the courage to share his journey & inspire more people too.
I do this for my girl show her that she won't have to worry about money someday.
I do this for my multiple clients who have also struggled with body image issues and let them know it's OK to throw away the scale for now and learn to love and accept themselves right now.
I do this for my team mates to show them that yea, there's negative people out there, but that's why WE ARE NEEDED to show up and give hope & pour belief into others too.
And mostly....I do this for me...because at the end of the day the only person we truly need approval from is ourself.
So yea, I'm gonna be here, and if you need to unsubscribe or unfollow do it and search out someone who DOES inspire you. & Dive into personal development because that's what also helped me when I started this journey and YES, it still helps me to keep showing up today.
I could compare myself to your...(or anyones) journey & think its not possible for me bc I haven't achieved "that" yet....or I could decide to be inspired by them.
I will choose to be inspired to continue to show up and lead by my best example, bc at the end of the day I am ONLY responsible by HOW I SHOW UP.
I hope you do the same today and all days going forward.
It's hard to add in teaching MORE fitness classes and training MORE clients when you don't have the energy or time for I decided to go online to look for a solution.
When I started to work as an online Coach I thought, .."how the HECK am I supposed to follow these programs if I don't have time to add on one more thing!?!?!"
So I looked more into the nutrition part of Coaching and that's where I began.
I started bringing awareness to my overtraining and binge eating behaviors and I decided that if I was going to help others I needed to FIRST help myself.
I'm sure we have ALL used the phrase.."Do what I say, not what I do."...& yes, I used that phrase all too often when I was teaching 15+ classes a week and acting like I didn’t care about nutrition bc I "needed" the calories.
Over these last 8 years(& really the last 5) I've learned how to be more honest with myself and I now see what triggers those negative behaviors.
I've learned how to have boundaries and if I say yes to something it's not out of guilt or people pleasing, it's because I WANT to do it.
And it goes the same for NOT wanting to do something. I'm not selfish, I just know if I say yes for the wrong reasons then it's not my best self showing up. So I say "NO:..."not right now"....or "thank you for asking but I cannot commit to that."
Through Coaching I'm finally happy with myself, not just physically, but emotionally & financially too.
And that's what Coaching is.
It's finding who you are and how to best serve yourself and others.
So wherever you are today, don't be afraid to go after what you want in life. This time we have is short...and in 5 years you could look back and say...."I'm glad I gave it my all"....or "I should have gave it my all."
Maybe you are like me and curious about working Online helping yourself and others become healthier. I'd love to have a conversation. I have a in my bio for more info about it. Feel free to check it out! And don't worry about being a beginner...we ALL have a day one in this
I wanted this MORE than the comfort of people approving of me.
Looking back on my 8+ years as an Online Coach I remember being SO SCARED of what other people thought of me. I RARELY tried new things, that others scoffed at, bc my fear of them judging me was SO STRONG.
I was scared, super judgey of myself...and tbh, others too.
If I was to do this I wanted to do it the way I that's what I did.
I thought you had to look and act a certain way and sit in your assigned No thanks. I'll assign myself to wherever I WANT to sit, thank you very much.
Coaching allowed me to be MY OWN rebel and do things MY OWN WAY and for that I'm so dang thankful. I'm a part of a team that supports each other and also CELEBRATES differences rather than trying to make everyone “fit in”, and I LOVE that about us.
If you feel like the outcast in your tribe and are done with ppl talking smack about others then maybe think about doing something fun...yes, LIKE THIS.
The pockets of time in between my jobs that it took me to eventually let go of those jobs was ALL WORTH IT. It took me 3 years, but I became the person I needed in my life.
I travel when and where I want. I rest when it's needed and more than anything I GET to see the people I LOVE even more often and that is something I'll never take for granted.
If you have thought about doing what I do, then let's chat about it. I'm an open book and I've created a new Coach mentoring program where we team up on everything! You are never alone in this. I've got a Coach Application in comments
If you never try, you will NEVER know, and wondering what COULD have been was NOT something I wanted to look back & regret. Yea it took me almost 2 years to sign up and another 3 years before I FULLY committed to this...but it was worth it.
Disclaimer: this is a real job. Each coaches earnings come from the work THEY put in. Like any job, and with this, side effects could include becoming your healthiest that ain't bad either