Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

I Do This For Me

"I see your posts and I scroll past them"...."you know, what you do, doesn't really work."...."why are you inviting me to this?".... "If I see you're live on video, I try to scroll past so you don't see that I saw your video ."...."WHY are you wasting time online?"... "You look too skinny."....."you've been eating too many little Debbie's, bc your skirt is too tight."...

Yup, all things I've been told...but I'm still here. And that's what matters most.

And trust me, what I do ACTUALLY works. And tbh, I don't show up for the approval of others. I show up to share my journey to empower others to take action on thier goals too.

I do this for girl C....who wants to be able to cut back from her job and stay home with her kiddo more.

I do this for my guy he can have the courage to share his journey & inspire more people too.

I do this for my girl show her that she won't have to worry about money someday.

I do this for my multiple clients who have also struggled with body image issues and let them know it's OK to throw away the scale for now and learn to love and accept themselves right now.

I do this for my team mates to show them that yea, there's negative people out there, but that's why WE ARE NEEDED to show up and give hope & pour belief into others too.

And mostly....I do this for me...because at the end of the day the only person we truly need approval from is ourself.

So yea, I'm gonna be here, and if you need to unsubscribe or unfollow do it and search out someone who DOES inspire you. & Dive into personal development because that's what also helped me when I started this journey and YES, it still helps me to keep showing up today.

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