Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Release Your Inner Rock Star

I love how it just got weirder and weirder as the pics went on. Erica Magill that was one of the BEST Trainings I've ever been too and guys, you don't know what it's like living in the Midwest until you come back after a decade being away..... and the trainer freaking provides snacks and a gift bag with a card!!! Like what!?!!

Oh and that's not all of it... AND I didn’t print off my packet, bc I was gonna use the digital download but a sweet lady, Gretchen, had an extra so she gave it to me!!!!

All that to say I LOVE the Midwest. Ohio brought it today and I'm so excited to bring this INCREDIBLE format to my Indiana students in September!!!!!! I HIGHLY recommend the POUND UNPLUGGED FORMAT. 10 outta 10 green hearts and rocker signs.

#poundposse #poundunplugged #poundpro #releaseyourinnerrockstar

I Know, Right?

Today at the warehouse (@fitnessteeco ) Scott (the owner) told me.." you look jacked." My OLD response was usually a deny or a quick change of subject but today I said, "I Know, right?!?!"

I'd say that's growth...and I'm not just talking muscles here.

Ladies, embrace the compliment.

Yea, we do work hard. It’s time to be proud of it!!!!!!

What's something you are proud of lately? Remember it's not bragging, it's being present in what is. And that's always a win to reflect and practice that gratitude.

#sweatyourstory #dinosore #rockertank #fitnessteeco

Peace and Rejuvenation

Lots of travel lately but the place I find the MOST peace & rejuvenation?! My home chillaxin for lunch between some Coach work I think that shows I'm a true extroverted introvert. I gotta save up this energy until I leave for ZINCON in less than 2 weeks!!!!! Are you gonna be there too??!!?

A Stronger Mindset

A stronger body is a great goal, but a stronger mindset is even better.

That was one thing I didn't really grasp when I joined 8 years ago. I tried out training a bad diet and that left me fatigued and feeling the need to binge and fast over and over. That won't work.

It's not a quick fix that helped me. It was a LONG process that I had to finally trust, but even more so I had to trust MYSELF to do it. I had to take responsibility for it and show up MOST days to the type of life I wanted.

If I wanted a STRONGER body I had to learn to rest and refuel right.

If I wanted a stronger mindset I had to dive into personal development and forgive my past and stop living in a victim mentality.

If I wanted a stronger relationship with people closest to me I had to put my phone down and be present to the life happening around me.

A lot of gratitude happens when you just take time to BE in those moments.

What helped me is what I now want to help others with. I know its hard to change, but truly it's a harder life when you choose to stay stuck.

Take a chance and join my next SUMMER STRONG group. We begin Prep Week on August 1st. And yes, I'm inviting you to this because I truly believe this can help everyone.

Month 3!!

Month 3 of starting my period and NOT needing pain meds. Just wanted to say, our programs have changed MY LIFE and I'm here for it while Im still prone to cystic fibroids and have some pain during that time of the month. I’m still so grateful that I am taking more care of ME.

I’m currently looking into more holistic approaches for my menstrual cycles AND I'll take ya along for the ride bc too many of us struggle with this. 

I have 2 groups starting AUGUST 1ST one with the Gut Health program I’ve been raving about and another one for Lifting. Trust me, these programs work and YES your health is worth 44 cents a day. Fill out my Virtual Health Club form if you want to join us. I'd love to link arms with YOU.

#happyperiod #guthealthmatters #letslift #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah 

Step 1 is Vital

My stubborn butt didn’t want to invest in MY OWN future. Instead I poured money into certification after certification thinking it would get me to where I wanted to go, thinking if I could JUST become better for OTHERS I would succeed.


Meanwhile my monthly bills added up and I taught MORE CLASSES for LESS money year after year. 2008-2017 was ROUGH for me (well, both Eddie and me). We rarely saw each other bc of our schedules and we lived on fruit loops, diet coke and Costco chicken alfredo.

I got used to being paid the minimum and yes, while it's rewarding helping others, it was NOT worth the toll it took on my body & on my time.

When I saw people I was jealous of living the life I wanted, after two years of watching I decided that I not only WANTED a change, I NEEDED IT.

No, it wasn't a get rich quick scheme. It was SLOOOOWWW, but something I learned was making MYSELF a priority. I was NEVER in a job that MY HEALTH was the focus.

AND YES, that's how it SHOULD BE. We can't truly lead by example without FIRST making our life a REAL PRIORITY.

That STEP 1 is VITAL not only for my health, but also my relationships, my mindset and my business.

I have learned to love MYSELF because of Coaching & because of my hard work, in the small pockets of time I had, I retired from all my other jobs and so did Eddie. We work when we want & have more freedom than we ever had before.

I'm not saying this is for everyone ( see disclaimer below) but if you are driven and willing to LEARN like I was, then let's have a conversation.

I’m going to be sharing what all this Coach life is about this week (helleeerrr Coach Summit) so be sure to check out my posts/stories as I get to meet, IN REAL LIFE, some of the amazing besties I met Online through this incredible job!!! Bc who knows, it might be EXACTLY what you didn’t know you needed too!!

{Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent info}

Day ONE Hustle For T hat Muscle

HAPPY MONDAY!!! I wanted to message to remind you about my FREE POP UP CHALLENGE!!!

I have the post for todays check-in in our private FB group that lists how many points you get for checking in!!!

Be sure you go in and check into that group for your chance to win my fav PRE- WORKOUT (the new Strawberry Lemonade)!!!




I will email you tomorrow for the workout then, too, but be sure you join the group and COMMENT THERE so you get points toward the prize!!!

Any questions? You ready to kick butt this week with me!?


Your friend & Coach,



I hope you had a great 4th of July weekend to those in the US, and a happy Canada Day to my Canadian friends!

We had an awesome time spending it with my family from Spain! They are visiting for a few months so I'm excited to see them throughout the summer especially this month. We will be traveling to St. Louis Missouri in a couple of weeks (Coach Summit is there this year) then heading to Olathe Kansas to visit my brother who just recently had twins!

Coming from a family of five siblings, I want to make sure I see them as often as I can. <3 I hope you are also having fun times with people you love!

Btw, I wanted to email because our last Free Pop Up Challenge was such a HUGE success, I wanted to host another!

Next week (July 11th) I'll be hosting a FREE 3 day challenge "HUSTLE FOR THE MUSCLE" in our FB Community group!

Three days of workouts that focus on muscle tone PLUS some recipe ideas for some pretty tasty MOCKTAILS! You down!?!?!

If you check in all 3 days, you'll be in the running for the NEW pre-workout I use and seriously SWEAR BY!!

See you there! Here's the link! (If you're already in the group, simply reply to this message and let me know you're in for participating!)

Your friend & Coach,

Sarah Placencia

It's Possible

Another program in the books!!! I'm up 3lbs. Could be vacay, could be muscle growth. Either way I don't care....which is pretty freaking awesome bc I used to use the scale in a VERY negative way for over a decade!

I'm celebrating not only that I have overcome over-training and binge eating but also for staying committed to these programs for 5 years. If you have struggled with the same, remember to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Progress takes time and patience and a whole Lotta self love.

#itspossible #trusttheprocess

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