Merry Christmas from us to you!
Hey there! It's been a hot minute, so I wanted to send you a little update and Happy Holiday well wishes!!
I'm just gonna blurt it.......I got a NEW job! Yup, I'm STILL doing the fitness thing (Online Coaching, teaching Zumba & Zumba Toning at my local gym) but I just accepted a position as a Brand Creator for the Company FITNESS TEE CO!! Check out their page!!
I LOVE, LOVE their clothes and I'm willing to bet you probably own or know someone who has bought one of their cute tanks! I couldn't even believe it when the owner messaged me on IG. I seriously screamed when I got the message wanting me to work for them. Anyway, I wanted to share with you because we are friends and I want to help promote this INCREDIBLE business.
The owner is Scott and he's a single dad to 3 beautiful girls, and he is one of the hardest working people I have ever met! I'm so grateful to be on his team! You might see me shooting IG, TikTOKS and FB posts for them in the near future. EEEEEE!!!
Ok, enough about me! We need an Eddie update! ;) He is still ROCKING his TWITCH streams! I'm so proud of him! He has built such an awesome community with it! He is fun, funny and genuinely cares for others. Honestly he has taught me so much about being more supportive to my circles too. And what you see is what you get with Eddie. He is my BEST friend & I love our life together.
Btw, something we did EARLY on dating was read the 5 Love Languages together. If you are in a relationship or plan on being in one I HIGHLY recommend that personal development book. And also, use it in the context of making the relationship with YOURSELF stronger! What I mean by that is meeting your OWN love language needs.
I find that when you are fulfilled, you aren't looking for someone ELSE to fulfill that need for you. A couple isn't 2 halves, they are BOTH 100% their own! And a STRONG relationship with yourself is JUST as important (tbh, even more important) than a partner relationship. Build, support and LOVE yourself because when you do then you will mirror that love to those around you and YES it makes for a great and strong and long lasting friendship. <3
I hope you have a wonderful Holiday. I hope that you realize the greatest gift that we ALL have is to love and appreciate the life we have in this moment RIGHT NOW. Life is too short and when we think about it, we have a REASON to be here. This gift of life should NEVER be taken for granted.
I want to say thank YOU for being here too. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for opening up this email. Thank you for being who you are. You and I are meant for great amazing things and I look forward to making each day better than the last.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday friend!
Life Can Be Hard
Wanna know what's hard? College. That's why I dropped out (before I flunked out).
Hard also NOT getting the job at another gym, because WHILE AT THE INTERVIEW I asked to take a break to go to the bathroom, as I walked to the bathroom I passed out, hit my head on the concrete floor and woke up to a concerned mom and kid. Guys I was OVERTRAINING so much that my body couldn't handle it. Also, I didn't get the job.
What else is hard? Opening up a fitness studio only to close it 14 months later bc it was costing me MORE money to keep the doors open.
Running an online business & getting healthier? Hard too?
Depends on who you ask because I'm going to break this down because maybe a new perspective can give you the permission you need to believe in yourself to do this too.
In my Online Coach job, I do 4 things. (3 of them are taking care of ME)
#1 I grow my mindset by diving into personal development EVERYDAY.
#2 I also push play on a fitness program that continues to make me feel freaking strong and I love it! (20 min a day, so do-able, and NOT overtraining).
#3 I drink a superfoods smoothie EVERYDAY that helps heal my gut.(been drinking it 7.5 years, yea I believe in it).
#4 I share all this on social media showing that it works for me...bc IT DOES.
Is all that actually HARD? Heck to the NO. I am honestly so surprised more people don't do this. (It costs 44 cents a day ppl)
When you follow a system for success it ACTUALLY works. You just need to create a REAL schedule around what you want out of life.
I've overcomplicated it in the past and I want to make sure that people joining me don't make the same mistakes I did! I want you to experience MORE wins MORE often!
So how about it? I've got a group starting up January 10th called MY LIFE, MY PRIORITY & I ask you to commit to the SAME 3 things above most days of the week! That's it! And if you want to learn and earn $ doing this online too, then I'm here to share HOW.
Message me anytime! Until then enjoy time with your loved ones! I'll be in messages again on Monday. XO
Check In with Yourself
Get paid to workout?!?! Yea, that appealed to me so I became a fitness instructor in 2007. Hello Zumba
7 years after that I became an Online Health Coach.
And yes, l'm STILL doing both because when passion, purpose and a paycheck come together then ya KEEP GOING!
Is it easy!? Nahhhhh, and here's why...
Because you MUST...
#1 Show up even when ya don't want to.
#2 STILL show up when others don't.
But the lesson I've learned is NOT TO TAKE OFFENSE when people say one thing, then do another.
Guys, people have free will and NO ONE is perfect!!! Including ourselves!!! Why do I seem to forget that at times?!
It's alright if you relate bc If you are in the health field also then know this....
You are in control of YOUR ACTIONS ONLY.
Also remember your thoughts are driving the bus, and the road you are on can lead to success, health & wealth OR bitterness, envy and emptiness.
I know because I have been to both places....and the blame game just doesn't work.
So check in with yourself. Take a few deep breaths.
Make a list of what or who is not serving you right now. Are you saying YES to others when you really should be focusing on YOU and YOUR growth towards what YOU want out of life?
That ain't selfish sis!!!
Because when YOU are happy, healthy and able to provide MORE for the people you love that is the OPPOSITE of selfish, RIGHT?!!?
So what next?!?!
Set up some boundaries, and look on the other side of that hope.
When you do this you can make room for growth, positivity & fulfilling relationships & opportunities & HEALING the relationship with yourself.
Btw... I've got a New group called "MY LIFE, MY PRIORITY" starting January 10th.
Whether your goal is making time for your health and/or learning to make some $$ while helping people online, I'm here to help
Check out my Virtual Health Club form if you are curious.
I'm So ready for 2022 to be our best year yet... Ya coming with?!?!!?
Suck It, Cove!
Cheers friends! While I'm super thankful that most of my taste and smell is back, it's coffee that still tastes a bit off from getting the COVE... but I'm NOT quitting it Coffee means too much in the Placencia household.
We met at my sisters coffee shop and after the first time we hung out I knew I wanted to be with Eddie the rest of my life. So yea, I'm gonna keep our morning routine. Suck it Cove
You Gotta Show Up
"Is that what you WANT to do?
Well, ok, just don't half ass it."
A quote from today's audiobook club that we all resonated with. Maybe you had to be there to hear it and FEEL the weight of that question...but maybe you don't.
But I want to ask you...have YOU ever asked yourself this?
And if you have, did you give it your best? And what I mean by BEST is NOT about being's about showing up MOST days of the week with the intention, decision and action that, to YOU, is your best.
Only YOU can be honest here. No one can tell you if you are doing a great or sucky job at it. That's all you.
If you are going through a hard time, then give yourself a week, month...heck even a year, but then DECIDE that no one is going to save you.
Your life is YOURS & remember you do NOT have to live up (or down) to someone's standards.
How freeing is that?
Listen, I know it's the end of the year and you aren't thinking about taking action until 2022, I get it.
Tbh, I'm wearing a robe, while on my period writing this and trying to pull myself to take action too
But if you want to chat about not half assing it in 2022 then I'm here to push you.
I've got 2 groups coming up, one for making your health a priority. (We start with 20 min. a day. Don't freak, you got this).
And another group where we make our health AND wealth a priority in a LEVEL UP Coaching group with me and other driven peeps.
I'm here to help, if you WANT the help. I'm here to be a friend who holds you accountable if you WANT the accountability. You just gotta show up and WANT this too.
Are You Conscious?
Every day we DECIDE to be conscious or not.
We go through the motions, most of the day, unconsciously.
We just keep scrolling social media....feeling this weird pressure on our chest, hoping it goes away by looking for entertainment or a distraction from the rest of the world.
We unplug from real life and plug into a dream life bc that feels better in the moment.
I get it bc I get caught up in that too. So what helps me is to stop, and practice gratitude for what is.
I choose to see the positive in my work. I choose to see the positive in people. I choose to see it IN MYSELF and I am grateful for this gift called life.
And maybe you can't see the positives because most likely you have put negative meanings on circumstances or people.
But what COULD happen if you start over? What COULD happen if you forgive them and even more so, YOURSELF?
Freedom isn't given from them, It's a choice you give yourself.
The world is more ABUNDANT than it is scarce and it IS actually a beautiful place when we see the bigger picture.
So today, and going forward I am looking for the meaning and the lesson in the day.
I am CHOOSING to see the positive.
I am CHOOSING to cherish every moment and every person.
Because if this is my last day on earth I want it to be my best day.
3 Day Detox Done!
3 day detox done & I feel AMAZING!!! Btw, do you SEE the difference?!?!!? yea that's right, check me out. I'm proud of myself and I'm proud of my detox crew! Wtg everyone!!!!
Guys. Did I do this perfectly? Nope. But I followed my eating plan pretty closely and that's a win for me!!!
Was I ever hungry while on this?
Nope. I listened to my body and I added more veggies and healthy fats a needed.
Did I have energy while on this? Yup!
Did I poop like my body needed it?!
I do this detox quarterly with my clients because of the way it makes me feel and most times I don't see too much of a change, but CLEARLY my body needed to release some toxins
And if you want to do this in the new year ya know where to find me
The One Decision
What if the one decision you have been putting off taking action on actually IS the answer you are looking for!?
I used to live in fear of the unknown but NOW? Now I welcome it. I'd like to tell you a story about the ONE decision that led to a MASSIVE change in my emotional and mental health.
Ya see, I know some people think I have this confidence & never struggle but here's a little back story...
I used to be so scared going to a grocery store by myself & I even waited to get my license & I only did it bc someone made me do it.
I grew up in fear of the government & was taken out of school for Y2K and had enough guns and dried milk to help us "survive"
Ya see when you hear that people are only out to "get you" & you shouldn't trust anyone, it also starts to make you question not only others but yourself. So you hide and you DON'T try new things because you are afraid of rejection and you RUN from failure.
I didn't ever want to grow up or take responsibility for anything. I think that's why I was always glad people assumed I was younger because I didn't want them to expect MORE from me.
Sounds funny saying it, but it's true.
So what changed??
I can tell you the EXACT moment I didn't let my fears control me anymore bc the thing that scared me THE MOST is the thing that changed it all.
That moment came when I agreed to go and film a little workout program called Insanity MAX30.
I hopped on a train with luggage from PA to NY. From there I had to go and find a subway BY MYSELF to get to Brooklyn to go stay with a person I had never met....turned out to be the ex boyfriend of a friends friend who was not even staying there Turns out he wasn't a murderer, thank tha LAWD.
I had MAJOR anxiety but I kept telling myself…maybe THIS is the decision that changes everything.
A few weeks after that I became a Coach & also had anxiety and thought, maybe THIS is the decision that changes my life.
A few months after that on a team call I was a guest speaker & I had a panic attack and the host had to take over the call, And I thought, maybe I SHOULD keep going because maybe this is the decision that changes everything.
The list goes on and on because I can see how my decisions have led me RIGHT HERE, & if you can't tell I'm pretty freaking happy & also proud of myself.
It takes a strong person to go through crap in life but it takes a STRONGER person to not let it define them.
Be strong friends and let the one decisions that scares be the change you need in this moment. You got this.