Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Life Can Be Hard

Wanna know what's hard? College. That's why I dropped out (before I flunked out).

Hard also NOT getting the job at another gym, because WHILE AT THE INTERVIEW I asked to take a break to go to the bathroom, as I walked to the bathroom I passed out, hit my head on the concrete floor and woke up to a concerned mom and kid. Guys I was OVERTRAINING so much that my body couldn't handle it. Also, I didn't get the job.

What else is hard? Opening up a fitness studio only to close it 14 months later bc it was costing me MORE money to keep the doors open.

Running an online business & getting healthier? Hard too?

Depends on who you ask because I'm going to break this down because maybe a new perspective can give you the permission you need to believe in yourself to do this too.

In my Online Coach job, I do 4 things. (3 of them are taking care of ME)

#1 I grow my mindset by diving into personal development EVERYDAY.

#2 I also push play on a fitness program that continues to make me feel freaking strong and I love it! (20 min a day, so do-able, and NOT overtraining).

#3 I drink a superfoods smoothie EVERYDAY that helps heal my gut.(been drinking it 7.5 years, yea I believe in it).

#4 I share all this on social media showing that it works for me...bc IT DOES.

Is all that actually HARD? Heck to the NO. I am honestly so surprised more people don't do this. (It costs 44 cents a day ppl)

When you follow a system for success it ACTUALLY works. You just need to create a REAL schedule around what you want out of life.

I've overcomplicated it in the past and I want to make sure that people joining me don't make the same mistakes I did! I want you to experience MORE wins MORE often!

So how about it? I've got a group starting up January 10th called MY LIFE, MY PRIORITY & I ask you to commit to the SAME 3 things above most days of the week! That's it! And if you want to learn and earn $ doing this online too, then I'm here to share HOW.

Message me anytime! Until then enjoy time with your loved ones! I'll be in messages again on Monday. XO

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