3 Day Detox Done!
3 day detox done & I feel AMAZING!!! Btw, do you SEE the difference?!?!!? yea that's right, check me out. I'm proud of myself and I'm proud of my detox crew! Wtg everyone!!!!
Guys. Did I do this perfectly? Nope. But I followed my eating plan pretty closely and that's a win for me!!!
Was I ever hungry while on this?
Nope. I listened to my body and I added more veggies and healthy fats a needed.
Did I have energy while on this? Yup!
Did I poop like my body needed it?!
I do this detox quarterly with my clients because of the way it makes me feel and most times I don't see too much of a change, but CLEARLY my body needed to release some toxins
And if you want to do this in the new year ya know where to find me