Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

I Don't Care!

I FINALLY don't care what the haters think and for a PAST people pleaser, this is HUGE guys.

So if I get judgements for doing this next part of this post, I don't care!

I love my life and I love the team I have linked arms with! They don't judge & bc of this we have been able to RISE ABOVE what the doubters and critics might say about us.

Ya know, that saying "If you build it...they will come." is % true. & the IT I'm referring to is Online Coaching...

Because I was sick of living paycheck to paycheck and not feeling APPRECIATED for my hard work in other jobs I was finally open to the idea that maybe this "pyramid scheme" just might actually work

Because I said YES to this job, I've been able to travel SO MUCH.

Because I didn't let my fears hold me back, I was able to retire my husband, buy a house & my DREAM Jeep!!!

Because I wasn't too scared to invite others, now some of them are also experiencing success & it freaking rocks when you see your Online Besties WIN

I love what I do & I want YOU to know I'm here to link arms with YOU too.

I am opening up registration on December 2nd for New Coaches who want to BUILD their vision too.

We are going to have a HUGE program launch and I need help running my January 10th group. You in?

I will teach you how to help others and the good news is you don't need a certification.

You will get meal plans, workouts, supplements and a community that will embrace and empower you! & YES, you can ALSO offer this to your future clients

Whatever your goals are, let's talk. No dream is ever too big or too small. I won't ever laugh at what your goals are, I will encourage you. Haters won' who do you really want in your corner at the end of the day? Let's talk babe, bc I want us to win TOGETHER.

****COACH LINK here...

Nine Donuts

I need you know something about me....
I ate 9 donuts yesterday.

Seriously 9....they were about half the size of regular donuts but I just wanted to tell ya in case you think you need to be perfect to be happy and healthy.....

What I've learned about overcoming binge eating is learning to be COMPLETELY FINE with days where I eat WHATEVER.

Food is not the enemy...and beating yourself up HAS TO END to stop the bingeing.

I had to start today off right in order to know I'm back on track...and by ON TRACK I mean by getting into a routine, and not punishing myself like I used to.

That looks like....
No overtraining (my workout today was 39 minutes)
and no starving either! (Superfoods smoothie with all my fruit and a healthy fat for lunch, gonna have hello fresh for dinner and granola for snacking tonight, bc I love that stuff too) that brings me to a little over 2,000 calories, which my body does well on.

I train hard, and yes I enjoy food...I have healthy foods 80% of the time and "whatever I want food" 20%.... and yes, I'm COMPLETELY happy about it

If you want to learn how to be happy & healthy (bigger focus on mindset) & learn to create this balance then let's chat ASAP.

These programs have changed the way I train and the way I look at food....and FREEDOM can't even describe this feeling. Its just SO worth it...and so are you

#foodfreedom #healthyandwealthycoaching #sweatwithsarah #guthealthmatters #thesweatlifewithsarah

What're You Afraid Of?

The thing we are scared to do is usually EXACTLY what we need to do. My fear is in seeking help when I need it most. When I need help I am ALWAYS nervous to ask for it...mainly because I fear no one would respond. (Yes, sounds ridiculous, but yes it's a real fear).

I was starting to feel really down about a few things going on in my business yesterday and when this happened I knew I had to LEAN IN to my support team, and a few of them replied back saying..." YES, I'M HERE & I'LL DO THIS WITH YOU. "

That YES is exactly what I needed in that moment. I'm so thankful for the team of Coaches that I've been able to grow with. I was looking for 10 of them who wanted to lean on each other for support and that's exactly what happened ...actually 12 people responded so I'm shouting out these beautiful coaches who showed up with that support.

Because when I needed it most YOU were there, and I thank you for that reply. It means more than you know

I hope you all know that I'm here for you as well and I'm so excited about what these next few months look like. Let's freaking crush it. TOGETHER.


All this strength training isn't working..... psych.
Do people even say that anymore? I don't care. I'm bringing it back...psych...nahhhh, I'm not

Btw, speaking of #transformationtuesday I wanted to share this pic below because my physical transformation is a true reflection of what I have mostly been working on; my MINDSET.

Too often I hear...."I wish I was motivated like you." ...& I want you to realize something...that word MOTIVATION is crap. Here's why... people think some people have it and others don't. And that's just false.

Do you think that EVERYONE is so "motivated " to put gas in car, pay bills, get up early, go to work, eat healthy, be a nice human...etc etc!??!!?

Nope...but we DECIDE that it's important and we show it by taking ACTION. Motivation gets too much credit and I'm here to say we ALL have the power to own our decisions and actions.

And if you are struggling in ANY area I recommend you just focus on that most important area......MINDSET, & not MOTIVATION.

If you need a system to follow then just know I'm here for you. Always.


Well I was just starting to feel better yesterday too.... Last night I had a snack of carrots and garlic hummus and couldn't smell or taste it

Yea you guessed it. I got the cove. I was pretty tired and congested Wed and Thursday, then I felt a bit better yesterday (Friday morning) so I did 2(barre & strength) 30 minute workouts yesterday and snapped this pic.

Yes, I've been traveling but I don't know of anyone who has it, none of my family I'm with have it and I'm so hoping they don't get it since they are traveling back home today too. Prayers for them!

Btw, just admitting this makes me feel shame for catching it. I think it's one of those things that so many people go through, but still if you get it all you can think of is..." I should have done this or shouldn't have done that"..... and you go through the list of places you went and people you have seen over and over and you just have this guilt. You think you are now a part of the problem and NOT the solution. Ya feel me?

Also super bummed I can't teach my Zumba Toning class the next 2 weeks, I had a great playlist for you guys too I will be adding in some Monday classes so you get extra class options for the Fall sign ups so when I come back back get ready to bring it.

Anyhoo, just wanted to give y'all an update and keep it real with ya. I'm going to go back to my tasteless coffee that I used to enjoy so much

I am curious though....For those of you that lost taste and smell how long before it came back for you?


Guess who's birthday it is today?!?!? Yup, it's Eddie's!!! Happy birthday Eddie, love you so much!!! Btw, ya know how horoscopes say that Scorpios shouldn't date and aren't compatible!?!? Well that's crap, bc we are freaking awesome together, and mostly because Eddie is genuine and sweet and supportive and makes me laugh everyday. happy birthday babe, love celebrating birthday week together.

Good Morning!

Good morning!!! Just wanted to say thanks so much for the birthday wishes y'all know how to make a girl feel loved! We made it to the beach and I'm pretty sure Batman thinks it's HIS beach because he's already barked at passerbys Btw, sunrises here are magic. Yes I'm getting up every morning to watch them

And We're Off!

And we are off!!!! We are headed to South Carolina!! Let the birthday shenanigans begin It's mine and Eddie and Batman’s birthday month

I'm so stoked, this is Batman’s first road trip and we are taking him to the beach! Do your doggos love the ocean? He's such a scared pup, but I'm sure he'll learn to love it!! I found a sweater at target for him and he's so chill wearing it now, so we are off to a good start

My Worst Nightmare

My Worst nightmare..(probably for most) is being in the spotlight when I'm feeling vulnerable.

Our Coach retreat was amazing but also HARD....

During a team call, I was Coached in front of others and the spotlight was on me.

While I love helping others, I rarely accept help from others (Unless you are giving me food. Then I always accept)...

But when I don't accept the help I hope others know I don't do this to be mean but I find that others need more attention and guidance more than I do....I've also been stubborn and a rebel most of my life so I want to do it my own way.

I find that it's those that show up volunteering the most to give fully to others rarely take the time to ask for the help they actually need. You might relate to this too bc we are the teachers, the instructors, the givers and those that love being appreciated for serving.

Back to sitting there on the floor surrounded by my peers..there I was, being asked what I was struggling with in my business in front of 9 other Coaches most of which I had just met in person the day before.

At first I deflected, saying .. "I just needed to be better at asking tougher questions to help others see their vision better." (Again, trying to not make this about me)."

He wasn't having it and dug deeper. So I broke down, my voice cracked and I could feel the tears welling up. I said "I don't want to lose people so I avoid asking them those hard questions. I don't want to be hurt, so I don't open myself up either. If I offend others, they will leave me. Just like people in my life that I loved have left me."

Ok, ouch. Was I actually living my worst case scenario by NOT allowing others into my life!? To me, I though if I don't get close enough to someone and I lose them, then it won't hurt so bad. But that means I have put boundaries up and I am never able to help others fully because I don't know their story and they don't know mine.

Why was I doing this?!? I realize that I've ALLOWED this trauma to hold me back in so many ways. Because this was the story I kept repeating in my head and my actions in my Coaching business were fear based bc of this belief.

This truth about this fear seemed obvious but also really hard to admit. I know I need to be more vulnerable. I know I need to accept the help others offer & I need to allow more people in.

No one can hurt me bc YES, I am brave enough to put up boundaries if needed. I can't assume and expect the worst anymore. Most of us share in these same struggles and if I truly want to give this love to others I need to accept it for myself too.

I am getting better and everyday I decide to put down my shield I know it will help me to accept love rather than run from it.

I think anytime you feel like you lose your loved ones through loss or divorce EVERY one involved goes through trauma and it leaves scars on the other side.

If you have pushed people away, and not accepted help willingly, I get it. It's time to realize it, forgive yourself and others so you can be open to a better and more loving life. I'm willing to admit it and I think the tougher part is going to be acting on that belief, but I'll willing to try harder.

Also thank you to my team mates who didn't judge but showed so much love. I accept it. I really do. & I love each of you so much

Preach It, Yoda!

"Do or do not, there is no TRY"... while I love me some Yoda, I DO believe that whenever you start ANYTHING NEW you need to accept something....

You are gonna suck. But that's where the "TRYING" becomes super important.

Before you actually DO accomplish something great you have to fall 99x and get up 100x because just like anything great in life it takes WORK but the person you BECOME starts to welcome those challenges and dude, that's such a great feeling.

I didn't always have that confidence in myself but I KEPT trying I KEPT failing and I KEPT showing up.

So don't quit just because you THINK you will fail. We ALL think we are failures until the action we put in gives us the CONFIDENCE to keep going.

You won't get that confidence without taking a step in the right direction. No one is born with it. Confidence and motivation is CREATED everyday.

You CAN and WILL succeed and if you need that belief I am here to give that to you! Whether you want to grow an Online Health Business or you want to get your healthiest in body and mind... I'm just a message away and YES if you happen to get any of my invites in your DMS it's because what I do has helped me SO MUCH and yes, I know it can help you too....and tbh I'd be a jerk not to tell ya about this...BC THIS LIFE FREAKING ROCKS!!!!

Prep week starts Monday, you down!?!?!?!?

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