Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Not Home Yet

I’m not even home yet, but just going through so many pics of this retreat gives me all the feels. Life is short friends, if you don't love the job and the people you are doing it with then consider going outside the norm.

You might just find your greatest & bestest internet friends and realize that THIS IS what living really is about. It's about ACCEPTING being supported and loved and also giving that love right back to others.

Love you ladies so so much, thank you for reminding me that YES what we do matters because there are people that NEED a tribe that uplifts them too.

Thank you all for being willing to join some strangers for a Beach Coach retreat. let's continue to change something lives and live life to the freaking best, TOGETHER!!!!

I Want You...

It's times like these I remind myself why I do this.

There's only ONE REASON that each of us are here & this vacay would have NEVER happened if we didn't first say YES to this Coaching Opportunity.

And that's why I CONTINUE to show up...not for myself, but for others.

So when I ask YOU if you have ever considered Coaching with me I ask because I want YOU to succeed at this too.

I want YOU to be able to work your own hours.

I want YOU to be able to see your loved ones more.

I want YOU to travel with us and realize how freaking amazing THIS IS. Because it is.

So you down for the next retreat? DM me anytime.

I've got an info group where I will share all things Coaching if you are curious (in bio)

You just need a willingness to TRY and I will teach you the rest.

#coachlife #noboss #letsgoplaces #wanderer

Love & Props

Happy Friday friends! Wanted to say hello from my new painted bathroom.

Also I wanna give major love and appreciation to Eddie. He's recently painted this room, patched a wall and earlier today started to build the back yard pergola. And I'm so freaking grateful for him.

He is one of reasons I decided to dive into this Online Coaching job and he's beleived in me since the beginning....he even bought p90x LONG before I became a Coach & I would steal his workout booklet and take it to the gym to personal train my clients I should have known back then these programs work!!

Anyhoo, I'm just so happy that we have the freedom now to be at home together, now pursuing what we both love. I will never take Eddie or this job for granted.

Feeling thankful for my sore back

While I might not be able to do this move currently, I'm SUPER grateful that I am able to rest my back. On Friday I practiced my Freaky Friday Dance Fitness Class for 3+ hours then went ALL OUT when I taught and towards the end of it I could feel it start to get sore.

The next day twisting was out of the question and sadly I had to cancel my Saturday class. While I was super sad about it - it also made me realize that I was SUPER Thankful to be able to rest for the next few days...and here's why....

Just a few years ago if I didn't teach classes I wasn't paid....which makes sense right!? But if you have a gym job, that means there's no such thing as PTO either.... So I over-trained my body for 10+ years from teaching SO MANY FITNESS CLASSES. Resting my sore body was NOT an option because I NEEDED to pay bills.

I knew I couldn't keep it up, so when I thought about partnering with a health & Wellness company I thought LONG on this decision.

If I was going to work Online I needed to KNOW I was offering people something that would bring them real and long lasting results. I had a few things that I needed to meet that criteria.....

  • I wanted to offer REAL HOLISTIC Nutrition. Not just some pill, or wrap, or shake.

  • I wanted to offer supplements that ACTUALLY helped people.... including myself.

  • I wanted to offer workouts that I didn't have to teach at all the hours that worked for my clients.

  • I wanted to offer community and support so that EVERYONE felt they could achieve goals, whether it was more strength, mobility and/or understanding nutrition more.

  • I wanted the tools to be able to help others with their mindset through meditations, affirmations and a book club

Yes, you could say I found what I was looking for & when I say I'm grateful to be an ONLINE COACH, I MEAN IT.

Just so you know, when I first joined this company I doubted myself. I too struggled with emotional/binge eating and I used exercise to out train the "bad" things I ate.

Guys, there is no good or bad when it comes to eating. I needed to learn that. I also learned how to heal my body.

If you think you need to have it all figured out, you don't. You learn WITH ME.

This week on my stories I'm going to be sharing exactly what Coaching is about and just like from this pic exactly one year ago, I'm heading back down to Florida for our next Coach Retreat!

If you want to chat about working Online I'm just a message away. Fill out my Coach info HERE and we can see if this type of job could help you supplement your income too. January is coming, so NOW is the time to lay a foundation for this.

Fearful of Our Failures?

I never really understood the saying, "We aren't fearful of our failures, it's our success that we most fear." (Or something like that)

I never really understood that saying until I started TRYING to change my life.

Ya see, I would always find excuses to stay stuck. I would blame others, or compare myself over and over to people who seemed lucky. My stubborn self would also self sabotage bc I had this belief that I CAN figure this out on my own only to discover that I was putting a ceiling on every one of my goals by not allowing myself to grow & learn from others.

When we try to do anything good for ourselves too often we think it won't workout anyhow, so why try....or we think if I do this DIFFERENT thing, will I be judged for it?

So we sink back, dim our light and dim our dream to make others feel comfortable. We don't want to shine TOO bright in fear that others will feel judged by it if they don't ALSO try to change themselves. So we stop before we even really start.

We choose to stay stay stuck. We stay frustrated. We stay MEDIOCRE and we envy those that are doing that different thing. We could choose a different path. Even the THOUGHT of change gives us anxiety over what our day to day would look like.

So instead we stay inside our comfort zones because when we do not move away from the familiar we at least know the outcome is somewhat comfortable....or should I say "kinda bearable?!?!"

So the BIG question is ...what causes some people to change and some people to remain stuck?

I think it's in the TRYING. Change happens over time out of small trys that eventually become small wins, which add up BIG CHANGES in the years to come.

Time will pass regardless, TRY friends. Just TRY. It's not going to be easy but over time you eventually become the type of person who CAN handle the challenges that arise.

If I can believe you were put on this earth for greatness then I need to believe it for myself too. And not just believe it, but ACT on that belief.

We can do this friend. I've decided & I've committed to this and if you need a friend to support you over judge you for your decision to TRY just know I'm here for you.

Btw, maybe we are similar and you are also looking for something that could help you too. If you would like to chat about what's helped me (physically, emotionally nutritionally and even financially) then let's chat ❤ Please fill this out and I will be in touch soon.



Freaky Friday!!!

FREAKY FRIDAY TIME Hey Friends! I am teaching a VIRTUAL Dance Fitness Class with ALL Halloween songs! Would you like to join it?
You can click here

I will send out the ZOOM link at 5:15pm est. this Friday to all participants in my PATREON group. All PATREON Sign ups can alsp bring a friend for FREE and everyone who brings a free friend gets their name in a drawing for my FAV Pre workout!!!

What Are Your Grateful-Fors?

Not a before after, instead a reminder to not judge yourself. We all have rolls and bloat(freaking candy) just focus on what you can control right now....

Go for a walk. Drink some water. Write 3 grateful fors. List one one thing you love about you. Name one person who brings happiness into your life and tell them, thanks. Pet the dog. Smile just to smile.

All these things will remind you that your worth is NOT measured by a size. The happiest people don't have EVERYTHING they want, but instead they WANT everything they in. they are grateful for it in this PRESENT moment.

All we have is NOW friend. Find the joy in it. Everyday.


Cheers to 14 Eddie this pic was taken the day before we got married. Started dating June of 2007, he asked me to marry him July 21st. On October 26th we were married on this beach. I think some thought we were crazy but we were only crazy about each other. Then and now.

Rise Up & Wise Up

My free one week challenge has been extended for the next 60+ days I've been doing a Rise Up & Wise Up Challenge with my group and after the messages I got I realized something....

We ALL need to start our day like this.

I know for me I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks and for YEARS & I've always said I HATED mornings and I would always be a night owl. I would sleep through alarms and then when I started working for myself I struggled even more with it!

I knew I needed a change when I would get frustrated more easily, get distracted more often and had insomnia from staying up so late. Anyone relate?!?

I now have a checklist of 5 things that include a meditation, affirmations, personal development, Journaling and sharing my grateful fors.

And I do this LIVE M-F in my group 745am est -815am est. ...And I want to extend this invite to you as well.

I know holidays can be a hard time for people (me included) and I want to go into this fall and winter with a new mindset and I want to continue to do this with others.

I love my group and the people that hop on the lives everyday with me have also made me realize that we don't have to do this alone. So if you want to work on our mental health together then check it out here. And invite a friend!

Again yes, this is FREE

Bend, Don't Break

Learn to Bend...& never break. I loved this story from my PD book I just recently read and wanted to share it with you. Hear me out, it's good.

When greenhouse experts were trying to grow the same trees inside a controlled environment with the same conditions the trees would STILL break at the same points when they reached a certain height.

Why did this happen?! Because while they accounted for sun, same temperatures and same amounts of water they forgot one thing....WIND.

The stress of the wind would actually cause the roots to burrow deeper and become stronger.

Makes sense, right?!

How true is that of our OWN lives? When we feel like we are breaking could it be the wind( stress ) that's causing us to sway too?

What we MUST do in those stressful situations is not break but instead look deeper at our foundations. Look inside ourselves rather than outside circumstances.

We have been in REACT mode for too long. Instead what if we did the things that WOULD give us more energy for growth?

What if we turned 3 alcohol drinks into one and drank more water? Our wallet would be fuller and our outlook on life clearer rather than numb.

What if we spent 30 min every morning making time for meditation and gratitude instead of reaching for social media only to be let down by not feeling "ENOUGH".

What if we decided to spend more time with people that lifted us up, rather than put us down? Our people pleasing ego could finally be silenced when that happens.

Just some thoughts on my mind because my workout today reminded me of this foundation I'm building. I'm more at peace and happy with who I am and I have the stresses of life to THANK for that.

Without the hard in life I wouldn't have worked so hard for the good. I wouldn't have appreciated the work it took to get here and because of this shift I welcome challenges rather than hide from them.

And I hope you do the same. Wherever you are in your journey of life, remember that learning to bend takes time. Be more present and make sure you are taking time for you. EVERY DAY.

Happy Flexy Friday friend.

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