Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

2 things... Harvey's cute big ol' head at the end is freaking cute ...and 2nd thing...DO THIS WITH ME!

Today in my Personal development group we listened to @melrobbins talk about how we need to PULL OVER, stop the car, turn off the engine and just BE.

Sometimes that sounds so counterintuitive especially when you have no time for yourself OR you want to SPEED past this part of your life bc you are bored and unmotivated and really think stopping is NOT what you should be doing.

I've been on both sides of this spectrum and tbh, it was in the SLOWING DOWN I was able to calm myself enough to be in the quiet and journal about where I was, and WHO I wanted to become.

We CANNOT live in REACT MODE all the time. That's when we CONTINUE to see problems rather than solutions, and we get so frustrated so easily with ourselves and others.

So WHAT can you do? You can STOP. Truly. 2 minutes to just BE. Then, take 3 minutes to journal. If you were to do this every day, you would start to see a clearer road map for your life.

Trust the process... show up by shutting down, just for a few minutes each day.

Btw, would you like some accountability to this? I do this with my team mates DAILY on zoom and in my groups we focus on mindset 6/7 days a week. You aren't alone if you also struggle with this.

#imheretohelp #healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah #mindsetmatters

Uncomfortable Again

Time to get uncomfortable again...and again...and again.

I've realized that as soon as I allow myself to grow the RIGHT people & opportunities come into my life...or maybe they were always there & I'm just more open to it. Either way, I'm here for it.

Here's where I've made a shift and it's feeling uncomfortable, but it needs to be said.....

This "leader to a follower" or even a "coach to a

client" relationship has held me back and also puts unwanted pressure on both parties.

Instead, I'm realizing that what I do and offer is a WE thing. It's a REAL friendship approach where I am learning from those who also learn from me.

WE are learning and growing TOGETHER. Isn't that how it should be!?

I used to think I had to entertain or "BE ON" or "HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER" to make others feel comfortable.

That just SOLIDIFIES this LEADER to FOLLOWER mentality... and I'm freaking OVER IT.

We are ALL capable of sharing our journey, mess and all & we are ALSO capable of helping one another too!!!

This past week, I've gotten on quite a few zooms with INCREDIBLE leaders in the health world and we have HUGE crazy visions for what IS possible & that freaking excites me SO MUCH!

It's a breath of fresh air that I so needed. (You know who you are, thanks, friends)

I think too often we are comfortable getting behind a BRAND, but this is all about UNBRANDING ourselves.

Because we are ALREADY enough.

I WANT to work with those fellow fitness rebels that are willing to try something new while also building this business as WE SEE FIT and helping our communities (& our paychecks) in the process.

Ya with me? This isn't me saying, "I can teach you"...this is me asking you, do you want to grow this TOGETHER and come up with something new and BETTER together?

Message me anytime about partnering up & building something we can be proud of. Something we WANT to show up for. TOGETHER.

#timetogrow #getuncomfortable #healthyandwealthycoaching

Saying Yes

I miss my dance fitness cruise friends ya know, this pic reminds me of the love that I share with all of them. I would have never found them if I didn't ACT courageous and said YES to the opportunity to be there.

BIG HUGE THANKS to Karma for encouraging me to say YES to this.

Ya know, you find what you search for. And if you search out and act on courage, you will find the RIGHT people & the RIGHT opportunities.

Are you looking for the people not showing up? That's EXACTLY what you will find. Their absence IS their answer.

So instead, what if you SEARCH OUT YOUR tribe and you uplift THEM, and ACCEPT that love when it's mirrored back!? That's where you SHOULD BE.

Shake hands with the people IN the room. Don't waste any more energy or thoughts giving it to the people not there for you when you need them most.

Be courageous. Lean INTO those trying to uplift YOU. Move forward and KEEP GOING friends.

There are good people out there, and who knows, you might just be taking the best vacays everrrr when you DO say yes.

#dancefitnesscruise #karmavacations #joinusnextyear


Someone asked me what we do in BARRE BEAST... well THIS is ONE of the songs....

it's a little dancing, Toning, twerking, kicking, core & booty work.

We WORK, but it's the best kind

Sometimes we use body weight(like this one) sometimes we use loop bands ( 2-3 songs), and light weights(around 9 songs) and we end with some yoga/flexibility(2-3 songs)

So yes, we do it ALL in this 45 minute long class. I think you'll like it too.

So come join!


#barrebeast #sweatwithsarah #thesweatlifewithsarah #anytimefitness #samsmoth #unholy #unholychoreo

ME from THEM

Once I stopped separating ' ME from THEM", I finally gave myself permission to TRY to be like the people I so admired.

I thought my struggles defined me, and I could NEVER overcome them.

I used to be the BIGGEST procrastinator.

I used to struggle with binging and starving myself.

I used to he the type of person who was too scared to try something different bc I was worried about the judgey mcjudgersons out there. I grew up Christian...there's a lot of us

Do I STILL struggle with those things? At times, YES. But there are more times that I DON'T now, and that's a HUGE win in my book!

When others have success, it shows us THERE'S A BETTER WAY.

It's time to forgive your past so you can stop living in it.

This is the ONLY Monday that will ever exist on February 6th 2023 and you are ONLY this age TODAY.

Will it be the same, or something better because YOU decided to stop hiding and show up to it. Mistakes and all! I am worthy to be here. And so are you.

Have a good day friend.

#iamenoughchallenge #noshame #showupandtry

Dance Dreams

“You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.” - Gene Kelly

This is a quote one of my students shared with me that I wanted to share here too.

My word is YES this year and this quote is the theme ((((Thanks Colleen )))

Life is meant to be not only lived, but LOVED & sometimes that means dancing in your kitchen, in the studio or on the beach

Fitness Feedback Friday!

Hey there! Happy February! I hope you’re doing awesome! 

I don’t know if you’ve seen my stories on IG or FB, but there's a brand new 8 week fitness program that has launched and I’m LOVING this strength program so far  

I was able to snag the sample workout (you do need some weights or something heavy you can grab) and I'm in need of a few testimonials from it next week. Would you be willing to test out this sample workout for me and give me your feedback?! No cost, just a free 30 min workout to try this week and then filling out a quick form!

If you are interested, here's the link to request it! Thanks!!! 

Heal Your Mind and Body

When you can heal your mind, it allows your body to heal too.

I share my journey for two reasons: It helps me stay accountable to these mindset/nutrition & fitness programs and I want to help someone feel that they are WORTHY to feel good and love who they are RIGHT NOW.

I have a few people starting this healing journey with me next Monday in my " I AM ENOUGH" challenge and yes, I want to help a person who was just like me...

— A person who has struggled bingeing & emotional eating.

— A person who uses exercise as punishment for what they ate.

— A person who struggles with receiving a compliment and tends to diminish their worth as soon as they feel noticed.

Is that you? Because I want you to know you are NOT alone & I truly believe what's helped me has the power to help you too.

Fill out my Virtual Health Club. This challenge begins Feb 6th

#iamenoughchallenge #healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah

Good to the Last Drop

Yup, good to the last drop! Someone today asked me if there was SOY in our superfoods shake and I almost choked on my shake OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!

Listen y'all after YEARS of research and knowing almost EVERY ingredient in our shake I can PROUDLY say there is NO SOY!!!

Please research, bc there are SO MANY shake company's out there promoting their shakes and they don’t have even a QUARTER of the nutritional value that our shake has and most likely they DO have soy in theirs.

Sorry not sorry, bc I switched to this company and shake for SO MANY REASONS.

If you happen to have Netflix, please watch the show DOWN TO EARTH with Zac Effron and Darin Olien. Darin actually created our superfoods shake and he is known ad the "INDIANA JONES of Superfoods"(yes google him). So yes, I trust our Nutritionists, Dieticians and nutrition experts AND YES, I will continue to drink this EVERY DAY(GOING ON 9 YEARS).

Btw, no filter, no make up on and I'll be 40 this year!!!!! Again, what you put IN YOUR BODY MATTERS!!!!!!

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