Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Uncomfortable Again

Time to get uncomfortable again...and again...and again.

I've realized that as soon as I allow myself to grow the RIGHT people & opportunities come into my life...or maybe they were always there & I'm just more open to it. Either way, I'm here for it.

Here's where I've made a shift and it's feeling uncomfortable, but it needs to be said.....

This "leader to a follower" or even a "coach to a

client" relationship has held me back and also puts unwanted pressure on both parties.

Instead, I'm realizing that what I do and offer is a WE thing. It's a REAL friendship approach where I am learning from those who also learn from me.

WE are learning and growing TOGETHER. Isn't that how it should be!?

I used to think I had to entertain or "BE ON" or "HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER" to make others feel comfortable.

That just SOLIDIFIES this LEADER to FOLLOWER mentality... and I'm freaking OVER IT.

We are ALL capable of sharing our journey, mess and all & we are ALSO capable of helping one another too!!!

This past week, I've gotten on quite a few zooms with INCREDIBLE leaders in the health world and we have HUGE crazy visions for what IS possible & that freaking excites me SO MUCH!

It's a breath of fresh air that I so needed. (You know who you are, thanks, friends)

I think too often we are comfortable getting behind a BRAND, but this is all about UNBRANDING ourselves.

Because we are ALREADY enough.

I WANT to work with those fellow fitness rebels that are willing to try something new while also building this business as WE SEE FIT and helping our communities (& our paychecks) in the process.

Ya with me? This isn't me saying, "I can teach you"...this is me asking you, do you want to grow this TOGETHER and come up with something new and BETTER together?

Message me anytime about partnering up & building something we can be proud of. Something we WANT to show up for. TOGETHER.

#timetogrow #getuncomfortable #healthyandwealthycoaching

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