Happy Saturday!
Happy Saturday friends!!!!! Starting with my superfoods before I break into the the "drank dranks"What's your go to cocktail ?!!!? I've been digging gin and tonic....my mom would be so proud ....also my hair is stuck to the wall
Happy Saturday friends!!!!! Starting with my superfoods before I break into the the "drank dranks"What's your go to cocktail ?!!!? I've been digging gin and tonic....my mom would be so proud ....also my hair is stuck to the wall
My fav day whats in my cup WEDNESDAY......u know most people wonder WHY we rave about these shakes, but y'all, I'll be 39 this month and I've been drinking shakeo for 8.5 years! Yes I believe in it!!!! And here's one of the MANY reasons!!!! you pay for your health now or later, and preventative medicine is all the rage
Want me to get you a discount on this?!?!?!?!
Message me your email and I'll get ya hooked up!
Not the right way to hammock...but ima go with it
Today I'm headed to the NEXT Coach retreat! Seriously if I was told I would be able to travel as much and also do what I love I wouldn't have believed it either.
If you are curious about getting healthier, while helping others get healthier, working from anywhere and becoming my travel bestie, then let's talk bc this life freaking rocks
HELLO!!! I just got back from an incredible trip to AZ where I got to meet so many of the top Coaches in our company and one thing that really stood out to me was... nobody has it all figured out.
Tbh, that was my biggest takeaway and more than a few of them said the same things.
"I grew my business the wrong way."
"a lot of people quit on me.."
"I'm rebuilding right now."
Quite a few of them said they dove into this business because they were trying to use it as an escape from the hard times they had going on in their personal lives.
It got me thinking...is THIS what it takes? Does it take time away from family to build a business? Does it take so much sacrifice that you end up forgetting why you are doing this?
I was often asked, "Do you have a big team?" which instantly categorizes you into a "successful" or "unsuccessful" entrepreneur. What about that question feels good?
I for one have never liked titles or being "categorized". I remember once doing an event with an Exercise Specialist/Master Trainer and someone asked if we were both Master Trainers. The girl I was with looked at me and said, "She's just an instructor."
I remember thinking, "Wow, thanks for belittling me so much," although I could tell she regretted it as soon as she said it. But isn't that what happens not just in fitness or MLMS but also everywhere!?
Anyway, back at the AZ retreat, I caught myself saying, "I'm "only" this rank of a Coach but I changed it after day one because I didn't like how I felt when I belittled myself. Instead I started to say, "I'm really happy with my team and my business and that's what matters to me. I'm moving slow and steady and having fun with it!"
I kept reaffirming this to myself and thought "It's ok, you can do this YOUR WAY."
While I think a lot of MLMS want to encourage "good behavior" and reward those that work hard, I think it also creates a huge divide.
You earned THIS bracelet, but this person didn't.
They earned THIS seat, but you didn't.
You earned THIS trip, but they didn't.
They achieved THIS rank, but you didn't.
The list goes on. It reminds me of high school all over again.
There is no one better than anyone else and as soon as we start putting people on a pedestal or belittling ourselves we instantly feel like this success is unattainable.
Screw that. We all poop, people. Just because someone makes a certain amount of money does not mean they are happier! I for one, would like to change this belief system and I can because the way I run this business is the way I like.
You won't see separation or me sitting "Somewhere I should" because of my rank. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest here, I'm trying to live a healthy life and encourage others to do the same. That's the freaking point!
Sure there were times in my business when I thought that mattered but now, I don't aim for a team "rank" because I don't like the type of person I become when I do that. Back then, I tended to look at the person as a number rather than a person with hopes and dreams and goals and that just isn't right. I'm truly sorry if you felt I ever treated you that way.
Is there a right or wrong way to do this business? Yes, but it's specific for each individual person. You have to really know why you are in this business and ask yourself, "Do I like who I am when I do this business? Am I doing this authentic to me? And if not, what can I change? How can I better myself and better the lives of others without sacrificing what's important to me? What self limiting belief is holding me back? What is in my control right now?"
Those are things I often ask myself and I encourage everyone to dig a little deeper when it comes to goal setting and finding what really matters to them.
I for one am deciding to run my business differently. It might not be the way most people run their business, but to me, I WANT to stay happy in this and I WANT other people to know they can be a rebel like me and do it the way they WANT to as well.
I am a leader for those who want to be appreciated not because of their title but because of who they are.
I am always learning and willing to grow but not at the expense of time with family.
I will not let self limiting beliefs hold me back. I am worthy to learn and grow and become more accepting of myself everyday.
I am enough and so are the people I link arms with. We are LIFE CHANGERS and not GOAL ACHIEVERS.
If you relate to this at all and have had a disappointment with MLMs or other businesses that made you feel less than who you are, I so get it. I also want you to know you don't have to get caught up in the goals and rewards and things you feel are unattainable that you aren't worthy of.
I for one am not setting a goal to be the top Coach... or the top 10... or even the top 100 in this company! I got out of the "regular job" because I didn't want to be in a rat race.
What you will see from me is having fun and helping other people love what they do, by also helping them to make it fun for them. That's what living a happy successful life is to me. I know I used the word FUN a lot, but really, if you aren't enjoying it, then why the heck do it!?
Your job is 1/3 of your life! I think it MUST be something you enjoy and brings you purpose. I take that back, it won't bring you purpose, instead YOU MUST BRING THE PURPOSE TO IT.
That's what Coaching has taught me.
I know that was a long rant about what I don't like about my job, but tbh, I have found you can create a life that is full of purpose when you focus on the right things and I for one am so freaking thankful that I am here after 100 months of Coaching! I have grown so much since April 2014 and I have seen so many others create a life they are proud of too.
At the retreat our Coaching CEO Carl Daikeler showed a pic of a gym that had a saying across the wall and it said, "Proud but NEVER Satisfied". He then went on to say, "What's the freakin point!?" He said you SHOULD be proud of what you do and yes, you should be satisfied by it too!
It's just another reminder of being present in this life. There is so much to be grateful for. Don't let another day pass you by wishing it was something else.
I am grateful. I am happy. I am present. I am enough.
And so are YOU if you decide to be it, too.
Btw, If you want to see what Coaching is all about, feel free to join my 'TRY COACHING' week. We start next Monday. Click HERE
Whatever you decide to do with the time you have left on this earth, I hope it doesn't bring you joy and purpose, but instead, you are brave enough to create joy and purpose in your own life.
I'm no longer a BEACHBODY Coach....
(Please read this to the end)
This change couldn't have come at a better time.
I've had people think that to join a BEACHBODY challenge they first needed to have a "Beach-body" I so get how this can feed into this toxic belief that there is only a select few that can and will have success with thier health.
And if it is, you are pushing yourself to meet an ideal that only society has decided is worthy. That ain't right & it never will be.
I beleive in having dessert.
I believe in taking time off of working out.
I believe in focusing MOSTLY on the foundation of health which is your MENTAL health through many different means; therapy, personal development, learning boundaries, forgiving yourself and choosing to be surrounded by people, who, when talk behind you back, is because they are bragging about how awesome you are!!!
That's the foundation of health and this is called HEALTH ESTEEM.
My company is changing the name of Beachbody. New things are coming and this is so much more than just workouts & nutrition.
This is a lifestyle I'm here for and I'm so in love what what I get to do everyday. I know these changes are empowering thousands of people who were ready for this too.
Thank you @carldaikeler . Your love for people shines in everything you do & I for one have a life that's changed because of it...and here for it.
#healthesteem #healthesteeroutines #healthesteemcoach
Not a before/after, just a progress photo from today’s workout. I'm always working on myself, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Tomorrow is the end of my program and I for one am so proud to be able to lift 50s and squat like it's nothing.
Am I stronger? Yup.
Am I healthier now at ALMOST 39 than I was when I started these Online programs? Yup.
Have I helped others believe in themselves enough to want to feel freaking amazing too? Yup.
Ya know I post for my own accountability but wanna know why I do it CONSISTENTLY?! It's because I want YOU to know I'm here to say, YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!!!!
My next challenge starts Saturday and our FALL FOOD HUBS start prep week Monday, so if you want some support through the holidays and learn how to STILL enjoy food you love without guilt or shame around food, then let's talk ASAP!!!!
These programs are LIFECHANGING, and yea, If I needed a booty pic to grab your attention to read this, then so be it I love you. Now join me already. We gonna have a good time.
How has Coaching changed my life? Well I can think back to that first photo back in 2009. I was teaching SO MANY FITNESS classes and emotional/binge eating and starving myself to try to "look fit". I would use my scale to determine my worth and it would be either a binge day or a starve day depending on what that number was.
I definitely wasn't showing self care or self love, even though I was a gym junkie and spent HOURS working out every week.
Fast forward to 2014 when I officially became a Coach. And NO, my life didn't change overnight! But I made the decision TO TRY because I was at a place in my life where I was DRAINED and knew something HAD TO CHANGE.
I was DRAINED from being overworked and underpaid.
PHYSICALLY spent from 20+ hours of teaching fitness classes.
EMOTIONALLY & FINANCIALLY at rock bottom bc I didn't get to see my husband as much due to hectic schedules and travel was limited due to living paycheck to paycheck.
Sure my fears were LOUD and I was scared to death to become a Coach and put myself out there and had major anxiety in fear of judgement from others... but over the years I've come to know that if something scares you, then you should GO AFTER IT.
The REAL fear in life is living a life that's NOT TO YOUR POTENTIAL!!
Now it's 2022, I'm almost 39 and work from home with my husband (he's retired bc of this Coaching gig btw). He helps me run this Coaching biz and is now pursuing his passions.
I've overcome most of my issues with food, but I have the mindset and guidance of these programs to help me really and TRULY practice self care.
I'm truly thankful I went with my heart and not with my head when I signed up 8+ years ago.
I hope this story inspires other dreamers out there because if you have considered this, then it's a sign. Trust me. Go for it and write your own transformation story.
And if you need a friend & Coach that can help get you started then just know I'm here. Next challenge starts in 10 days! I'd love to do it with you.
Ya ready?!?!?! October Mentorship is OPEN!!!!!
Yes, I help people get healthy but I also work closely with my team of Coaches and we are getting ready to launch our "MEET ME AT THE BARRE" Challenge!
Wanna see what its about??!!? Click on my COACH INFO! If you want to have the chance to earn by sharing your journey with programs that are freaking fun and nutritional guidance that is holistic and gives you and your future clients food freedom! You down?
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF because some people think my job is TOO hard...ya know what's hard?
Working for other people who don't appreciate you and living paycheck to paycheck and never seeing your loved ones enough bc of work that you don't think is making the impact you want! I know, bc that WAS ME. & Yea, THAT was Flippin hard!
So if you are willing to learn what this is and commit to it then I will do my VERY BEST at helping you to launch your business this fall so by January people are coming to YOU for online health and support. So let's goooooooooooo!!!!!! Space is limited to 10 people!!!
#healthyandwealthycoaching #meetmeatthebarrechallenge #sweatwithsarah #thesweatlifewithsarah