Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

A Stronger Mindset

A stronger body is a great goal, but a stronger mindset is even better.

That was one thing I didn't really grasp when I joined 8 years ago. I tried out training a bad diet and that left me fatigued and feeling the need to binge and fast over and over. That won't work.

It's not a quick fix that helped me. It was a LONG process that I had to finally trust, but even more so I had to trust MYSELF to do it. I had to take responsibility for it and show up MOST days to the type of life I wanted.

If I wanted a STRONGER body I had to learn to rest and refuel right.

If I wanted a stronger mindset I had to dive into personal development and forgive my past and stop living in a victim mentality.

If I wanted a stronger relationship with people closest to me I had to put my phone down and be present to the life happening around me.

A lot of gratitude happens when you just take time to BE in those moments.

What helped me is what I now want to help others with. I know its hard to change, but truly it's a harder life when you choose to stay stuck.

Take a chance and join my next SUMMER STRONG group. We begin Prep Week on August 1st. And yes, I'm inviting you to this because I truly believe this can help everyone.

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