Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.


I know what you're thinking #hairgoals

But for reals, I'm working by my friends pool, drinking our superfoods shake after our workout. If someone told me this really could be my job someday I woulda said YEEEEAAAAAHHHH RIIIGHT.

So when I ask people to run challenge groups with me, I know that's what they are thinking too.

But for reals you either live the life you choose to live or you envy the life lived by others.

I was sick and tired for years working for others and not feeling fulfilled. Now I get to do what I want with who I want, whenever I want....and that's pretty freaking awesome.

And nope, I'm not here to brag, I'm here to say LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER.

Next Coach training kicks off Monday.

Wanna chat health and wealth goals!? Fill out my Virtual Health Club application and mention COACHING.

And bc this is a REAL JOB, each coaches success is based SOLELY on their work, which, in my opinion is awesome. #nobosslife #healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah #teamsweatcoaches

The Path

Sometimes the path to your destination is not straight. And when I say "sometimes" I mean 99% of the time.

Along the way your head will fight with your heart and at those times you will make desicions based in fear and logic rather than in love and faith.

I don't have the right answer for you, but one thing I DO know is to stay curious and ask yourself DAILY if the desicions you make are from your heart or your head.

I've had to deal with this a lot over the last 8 years because while I've heard over and over that you shouldn't be a close friend to your clients and team mates because you are their Coach.....but you know what!?

I'd rather love and lose than to never have loved at all. So while I've closed myself off in the past to protect my heart I realize I was only protecting my own ego, and for that I'm sorry.

I want to be a friend FIRST to everyone in my circle. A friend that listens without trying to offer a solution every time. A friend that you know will be there without judgement. A friend that doesn't care about your past because she knows she's also made mistakes. A friend that loves you.

That's who I want to be FIRST. I'm a Coach & fitness instructor second.

I'm learning to be kinder to others and to myself daily. It took me awhile to get here & pushing myself to dig deep into WHY I do what I do is not always easy, but it's ALWAYS worth it.

I hope this day finds you well and you seek answers from faith & love also in whatever struggles you are facing today.

You Had Me at "Trip Incentives"

I know this isn't for everyone but if you are like me and you were searching for a job in the health field…

—> where you didn't have to ask for work off

—> without having to worry about spreading yourself MORE THIN with training MORE clients and teaching MORE fitness classes

—> then you might want to take a look into this (OK, big run on fragment there, but hear me out).

As an Online Coach I am able to provide thousands of workouts, recipes and supplements from a reputable and trusted company that I have grown to love. (And yes, I've been on 6+ earned trips by helping just 5-7 people per month) How cool is that?!

You had me at "trip incentives"

Would you like to be able to offer the same? Would you like to run online Challenges WITH me?!

I'm looking for 5-10 motivated fitness loving people that might be interested in something like this.

Please click on the Virtual Health Club form here. I will provide the training, so no social media or sales experience needed. Next training starts July 4th!!!!!!


Leading By Example

So grateful to have had a super restful few days. I'm back at it and starting week 2 of my 4 week program Thanks for all the comments and messages friends.

I am back to feeling great and yes, I'm getting an appointment scheduled to see how to manage these painful cysts that I get.

It's been too many years that I've avoided this and I'm taking on this responsibility to take better care of my body.

As much as I preach about taking care of yourself I KNOW this is a must for me, and I don't want to be a hypocrite to myself...or you!

I will lead by example and take you on this journey with me too.

Accountability is everything so that's why I am sharing nervous as it makes me, I know I need to. thanks for the support friends.

Not Feeling Great

Most days I feel great but today is not one of those days. I Just wanted to keep it real friends.

I shared more in stories, but I'm feeling super grateful for naps and the ability to stay home and rest.

When my body doesn't feel right I always remember the day I had to call from the hospital telling my work I wasn't able to come in and teach a fitness class...only to be yelled at bc it was MY RESPONSIBILITY to get my OWN class covered...yes, while I was AT THE HOSPITAL.

Never again will I work for someone like that EVER again.

It's times like these that I'm just so grateful that I decide to stop thinking this Online Coaching job was just a pyramid scheme meant for spammy fake ppl..and I decided....if ya can't beat em, join em And tbh, I got to do this job the way I WANTED, which to me is so much FREEDOM TO BE ME.

I've got a 5 day coach info group(on June 27th) sharing more about this job and how it's become my family's sole income. Wanna check it out?

(Virtual Health Club in bio).

Maybe see ya tomorrow....but maybe not. I might just take a few days off. Love you guys!!!!! XOXO
#healthyandwealthycoaching #restandrepair

Two Dreams

I don’t think I shared this with you guys before, but still something that brings me happy tears a year later...

Actual conversation before I got the keys to my dream Jeep.

"Oh, you don’t have any credit? Sorry, can you get a co-signer because we won't be able to sell you this without one."

My response...

"NO, but how much money do you need for me to put down in order to buy this?"

He gave me a number and I said..."I can do that."

And here we are.... a pic of me and 2 of my favs... My dog & my Jeep.

Both things I put on my vision board.

Talk about manifesting what you want....yes TALK about it.

Write it down.

Share it with those you love.

And NOW, put in the time it takes to get you where you want to go.

And if you want to share it with a fellow dreamer-doer, send me a message of that vision & let's work on it TOGETHER.

#dreambig #jeepgirl #nextgoalbeachhouse #lifeisshortenjoyit

Day 1, Baby!

Day 1, baby!!!

As my clients and team mates go through this next program with me, I'd like you ALL to remember something throughout the next 4 weeks....

You decided to do this, not because you HATE your body, but instead because you are truly GRATEFUL for what your body can do RIGHT NOW.

You LOVE your body and mind enough to say, “Hey, I WANT to take care of you, not because I hate you, but because I love you.

I'm sorry for the times I put you down and expected more from you.

I love you. I want to do right by you. Not just today, but ALL DAYS. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to feel appreciated.”

Now repeat...

I love me.

I want to do right by me.

I deserve to feel good.

I deserve to feel loved & appreciated especially from myself.

I love you body, now let's get to work

Marriage and Ninjas


In my line of work, mindset is everything. If quitting was an option then I would and never will be successful.

I look at this like I do my marriage...and ninjas. Eddie and I are BEST friends and we are in this forever...bc we are ALL IN..... And ninjas....I mean how do they break that wood with full force?!???


Sure there will be somedays of SUCK, but can we just admit that this isn't about perfection!? This is about showing up and doing the work MOST DAYS...not ALL THE DAYS.

You would be surprised how far you go when quitting isn't an option.

Will this be a SUMMER OF SUCCESS for you too!? Bc babe, we going places! I'm ready....Are you?!?!?

The Food Hubs are open!!!

Happy June 1st!! I wanted to message because our JUNE FOOD HUBS ARE NOW OPEN!!!!

I, along with a few fellow Coaches, are taking our clients through their nutrition programs each day and I wanted to make sure you also got that invite to join us!!

You might already have access to these programs and if so, just reply back with the Nutrition program you want to follow!!

The 3 you can choose from are....

The 4 Week Gut Protocol is a program that was a real game changer for me. I highly recommend following this 4-week program to help give you more confidence in your food choices. I felt so empowered once I was able to give up certain foods. I for one was drinking 1-2 alcohol drinks a day and knew I needed to STOP. This program gave me back the control over food I was looking for. Most of my clients had QUICK results in just a week!

Video with more info

I have more info on that program in this group here

2B MINDSET is created by a REGISTERED DIETICIAN & NUTRITIONIST, Ilana Mohlstein, who worked for UCLA and now is my go-to nutritionist! Her nutritional guidance system is an intuitive eating program that helps you with 4 areas (drink more water, eat more veggies, track everything and use the scale)

Video for more info

PORTION FIX is a program that focuses on proper portions for your body and goals. Created by NUTRITION EXPERT, Autumn Calabrese (also creator of 21 Day Fix & Gut Protocol), she has put together a very well laid out food plan that helps you see exactly where you are under or overeating. I started using the portion control containers 8 years ago and it really helped me realize I was lacking in so many foods. I now eat MORE of the right foods and feel amazing because of it!

Video for more info

Just FYI, NONE of these programs are "diets." They're meant to be part of a Holistic lifestyle that teaches you and empowers you to not be controlled by food any longer. I for one FULLY believe in these programs & DO follow them (90%) because yes, you are allowed to have a treat ;)


If you DO NOT HAVE ACCESS to these programs and would like to, please fill out my form here so we can chat about your goals!

Have a great rest of your day, and again, have a HAPPY & HEALTHY JUNE!!!!!

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