Living Intentionally
Happy Memorial Day (if you are in the US). 4 things I wanted to send you...
a workout
a mindset podcast episode: "How To Live Intentionally"
and last but not least.... a cute pic of my baby dog, Batman
I Hope you have a great day remember that you are WORTHY of a healthy and happy life, not just today, but EVERY DAY! Too many people have died so we could live a FULL life.
Let us fully appreciate this gift that life is by showing up intentionally each and everyday!! Practice gratitude for what you are capable of and be kind to yourself so that you may be kind to others.
Love you friend. Let's make it a great life <3
Happy Monday!!!!
I'm not sure if you've heard about the new FIRE + FLOW program, but it launches TOMORROW and I'm TOTES STOKED about it for 3 main reasons:
1) The combination of high-intensity FIRE days with low impact, sculpting FLOW days
2) ONLY 30 minutes/6 days a week! Dude, that's less than an episode of OZARK. So doable! Plus, with my Zumba schedule, I KNOW I need the strength in my life, so that's why I follow a program!
3) The JOURNAL! Where are my Lisa Frank fans?! There are short prompts to answer every day and YES, Mental health is a HUGE focus of this program. I think this is going to help so many people with overall WELLNESS.
Have you tried the SAMPLE WORKOUT yet? We have a launch group on Facebook. CLICK HERE
I'll be starting this 30-day program with a test group on Monday, June 6th. You'll want to snag your package ASAP because the journal may sell out fast!
I, of course, would be SO SO honored and grateful to coach you through this program, so if you would like, let's chat!!!
Your friend & Coach,
Sarah Placencia
8 Days Left!
YES, I'm doing these programs- do them WITH ME! Accountability is KEY and I have found we ALL have way more success when we go through this TOGETHER!!!
If you want more info (including the free sample workout) please fill this out ASAP!
The Countdown is On!
The countdown is on!!! You DO NOT want to miss this next challenge!!! I have BOTH a Gut health group along with the NEW program launch!!! And yes, I’m doing these programs- do them WITH ME! Accountability is KEY and I have found we ALL have way more success when we go through this TOGETHER!!!
If you want more info (including the free sample workout) please fill this out ASAP!
(Not) A Green Thumb
I might look the part, but I'm definitely not playing the part I'm weeding today, but in July we hired some pros to come do this. I feel like I need to make it not look so bad before they come let's be real I'll just stay inside the house and not come out when they come over for fear of embarrassment .
Just curious do you do your own landscaping or hire someone?
Dance Fitness Cruise info!
Ahhhhh, FRIENDS I have the BESTEST NEWWWSSS!!!!!
Mark you calenders bc THE DANCE FITNESS CRUISE IS BACK!!!!!
January 15-21 we are cruising on Harmony Of The Seas and I (along with instructors I fan girl over) are teaching fitness classes for you!!!!!!!!
This is like no other trip EVERRRR, so bring friends and families bc if you want to eat all the foods, enjoy the Caribbean and DANCE YOUR SASS OFF (AND POUND) with me, then PLEASE COME!!!
Drop me a line if you want to be added to my DANCE Fitness cruise INFO GROUP for more details!!!!!!!!!
And again thank you, thank you, thank you @karmavacations for putting this all together again, I've missed you and our #dancefitnesscruise family SO MUCH!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THISSSSSSSSS!!!! #dancefitnesscruise8 #dancefitnesscruise2023 #karmavacations
Day 33
Well I was going to ONLY share about how I felt, but I can ALSO see a difference! I am starting ALL of my clients with this program because having this food freedom is so worth it.
Am I OFF this way of eating now that I finished the program? Heck to the no, but YES there are changes going forward with this way of eating for me.
Tonight I'm introducing alcohol back, but this time it's different. I'm drinking only now on social occasions.
I find that if I have a white claw or Moscato in my house it becomes too much of a 2 a day habit and I KNOW I'm not feeling my best when I drink daily.
And as for the other food changes I've made, I feel back in control and I'm not even TEMPTED to go back to certain things. I have found alternatives to my favorite things by eating more plant based and I LOVE the way I feel and I LOVE the healthy healing foods I’m eating, why would I stop that?!?!!!
I never thought I would feel this good until I felt THIS GOOD. I hope everyone gives this program a chance because it is life changing. #guthealthmatters
Step #1
If there was ever a STEP #1 to getting healthier its.... THIS.RIGHT.HERE.
And 4 years ago, even when I bought this cup, I felt like I got ripped off..."why the HECK would I spend 20ish bucks on a WATER BOTTLE!?!?!?"
Well, this little cup has traveled with me EVERYWHERE and no, I'm not trying to sell it to you...I would if I could tho
But for reals tho. Start tracking your water. Set alarms on your phone and maybe you ALREADY have a water bottle, time to dust it off and start dating again bring back that newness to your relationship with water again.
I used to drink pop as a kid...then soda as an adult(bc I moved to Pennsylvania and that's what it's called there). So yea, I wasn't always this excited talking about H20, but over the years I KNEW it SHOULD be a priority!
And as an adult you have a say in what you eat or drink, so do your TOMORROW self a favor by treating your TODAY self like you love yourself.
Do you have a fav water bottle too?! What's your water goal and are you hitting it today?! My goal is ALWAYS 100 oz, I don't always hit it, but when I am getting that goal accomplished more often I FEEL so much better! It's worth it friends!
Thank You, Moms
Whenever I hear someone say "I'm just a mom" or a "SAHM"...I want you to know that taking on the role as a Mother is the HARDEST job there is!!!
So I hope today (and every day) you see yourself the way I see an incredible, brave super human who does what's needed to be able to help the next generation create a better future than the last.
I commend each and every one of you mommas, and I THANK YOU for the work you do. It's not often appreciated most days, but from someone not wanting to take on that responsibility, I have the MOST respect for my momma friends and family. Love you ladies!!! You inspire me to work my hardest in what I'm passionate about also.
Happy Mothers day friends....
This also goes to the single dads raising their kiddos alone too, I know a few of you and I also want you to know how much I respect and admire you too. XO
#fitnessteeco #happymommasday #mothersday #sweatyourstory