Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Day 33

Well I was going to ONLY share about how I felt, but I can ALSO see a difference! I am starting ALL of my clients with this program because having this food freedom is so worth it.

Am I OFF this way of eating now that I finished the program? Heck to the no, but YES there are changes going forward with this way of eating for me.

Tonight I'm introducing alcohol back, but this time it's different. I'm drinking only now on social occasions.

I find that if I have a white claw or Moscato in my house it becomes too much of a 2 a day habit and I KNOW I'm not feeling my best when I drink daily.

And as for the other food changes I've made, I feel back in control and I'm not even TEMPTED to go back to certain things. I have found alternatives to my favorite things by eating more plant based and I LOVE the way I feel and I LOVE the healthy healing foods Iā€™m eating, why would I stop that?!?!!!

I never thought I would feel this good until I felt THIS GOOD. I hope everyone gives this program a chance because it is life changing. #guthealthmatters

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