Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Step #1

If there was ever a STEP #1 to getting healthier its.... THIS.RIGHT.HERE.

And 4 years ago, even when I bought this cup, I felt like I got ripped off..."why the HECK would I spend 20ish bucks on a WATER BOTTLE!?!?!?"

Well, this little cup has traveled with me EVERYWHERE and no, I'm not trying to sell it to you...I would if I could tho

But for reals tho. Start tracking your water. Set alarms on your phone and maybe you ALREADY have a water bottle, time to dust it off and start dating again bring back that newness to your relationship with water again.

I used to drink pop as a kid...then soda as an adult(bc I moved to Pennsylvania and that's what it's called there). So yea, I wasn't always this excited talking about H20, but over the years I KNEW it SHOULD be a priority!

And as an adult you have a say in what you eat or drink, so do your TOMORROW self a favor by treating your TODAY self like you love yourself.

Do you have a fav water bottle too?! What's your water goal and are you hitting it today?! My goal is ALWAYS 100 oz, I don't always hit it, but when I am getting that goal accomplished more often I FEEL so much better! It's worth it friends!

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