Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.


Eddie's so impressed btw, I know I'm blessed when it comes to having a supportive partner & I know not everyone has that in their life. (Before Eddie, I didn’t have that either).

I think that's why I was so drawn to creating a culture of support & acceptance (no matter beliefs or background) & that's the reason I love love love about our accountability groups.

We ALL need not just ONE PERSON in our corner, but we need a whole COMMUNITY. #ittakesavillage

If you are in my group, or considering my next Challenge just know I got yo back(& so does our commUNITY)!!!!

We will cheer you on when you have doubts or self limiting beliefs & you can always my borrow my belief and confidence in you until you see it in yourself. All ya need is time and consistency, both (God Willing) is in your control.

Reach out ASAP tho, we have 6 days before we start!!!!!!!!

#springcleanyourhealth #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah

Week 3/4

Week 3/4: Today & tomorrow I'm meeting up with new friends (I met on the internet) who are joining my groups and/or are also interested in Coaching and it makes me realize how much has changed since I made that SAME decision back in 2014 to join.

I waited almost 2 years before I FINALLY made MY OWN health a real priority.

The reason I didn't join wasn't because of the cost, or if I questioned this actually worked.

The REAL reason I didn't jump at this was because of LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN MYSELF.

Truly when we start in on ANYTHING new, there is this self doubting voice that ALWAYS comes up and I'd like to say here's the ONE THING to do in order to overcome self doubt...but there's not one thing you can do. The real answer is EVERY DAY you have to make a choice and ask yourself:

Am I going to live in fear and hide or am I going to live in love and show up?

I am not the same scared, broke, insecure, nail biting, binge eating, panic attack, anxiety driven girl I was 8 years ago.

Today I am proud of both myself then and now because without those struggles I wouldn't know how to Coach someone who might be going through the same.

I want you to know that while yes it's hard to make changes, it's ALWAYS worth it.

You will BECOME the person you always wanted to be, but only if you are willing to say YES to opportunities that scare you.

To START before you are ready means nit knowing the outcome but WILLING to TRY.

And if you need the guidance and support I will meet you in person, email, text, zoom...whatever that is for YOU because this journey does NOT have to be lonely.

I got you boo next group starts March 7, can I save you a spot?

#healthyandwealthycoaching #sweatwithsarah #thesweatlifewithsarah

Some Days

Some days I workout and have a superfoods shake for lunch, and some days I decide to take a rest day and have a bagel at the coffee shop.

It feels good to have this FOOD freedom.

I've learned HOW TO implement healthy habits without guilt or shame or punishment by over exercising, and dude, I want EVERYONE to experience this.

These nutrition programs have helped me to have a healthy body image & if you have ever struggled with bingeing and emotional eating too I invite you to check out my SPRING CLEAN YOUR HEALTH group that starts March 7th.

For the first time ever I'm hosting nutrition seminars on Saturdays at 10am est. where we listen in TOGETHER and learn from my favorite nutritionists.

NO, I'm not the pro here, but I'd love to link arms with you and learn WITH you.

This has truly changed my life & it might just help you too.

#foodfreedom #healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah

There's GOTTA be a better way....

Hey friend, I posted this on my socials earlier but I wanted to give you a little more inside look at what I meant. Because you might be one of those people watching me & also thinking, "Is there a better way!?'

This is my story of finding that better way & if you have ever struggled with emotional eating, using exercise to out-train a bad diet, or have been financially struggling then please take 5 minutes to hear me out.

I couldn't add on ONE MORE THING...but I decided to not repeat another year of SUCK. I HAD to hope that there was a BETTER WAY.

When Eddie was working fulltime and I would drive him to work at 5:15 am so I could get to the gym to teach a 6am class, I thought, there's gotta be a better way.

Or the time When I called the gym to say I couldn't come in bc I was in the hospital due to intense pain from cysts on my ovaries & they replied with, "You need to find your own subs." They scolded me for not being responsible. Yea, I thought, there's gotta be a better way.

Or the time I opened up my own studio and taught so many classes my body was always achy & sore and most months we weren't even breaking even. Yup, AGAIN, I thought there's gotta be a BETTER WAY.

I know some will judge me for saying this, but YES, becoming an Online Coach solved ALL of my problems. This WAS the BETTER WAY for me.

I retired Eddie from his job. I stopped working for gyms that didn’t care about me & I overcame panic attacks, nail-biting and binge eating because of that ONE DECISION.

Was I scared to do it? Ummm yup... but I was MORE scared of repeating those years of SUCK.

I was DONE watching from the sidelines other people live the life that I WANTED.

Say what you will about working ONLINE, but I think it's frickin awesome, and if you have ever thought about it, then let's have a conversation about it.

Who knows, this could be your BETTER WAY too. Ya never know, until you try.

With that said I invite you to hear my 5 minute story of how I am NOT the same person I was and exactly what I did to change my story.


If you watch part of it and you want to change your life for a BETTER way too then just reply to this email or fill out my form here

I am ALWAYS on the other side of the screen & I am here to help you not just find, but CREATE this better way TOGETHER.

Special from the Ordinary

There's no one in this world that I would rather take selfies in front of a chain linked fence with. #poetry Love you Eddie Placencia

I hope everyone in this world finds a friend who creates special moments out of the ordinary with them.

That to me is true love, when you can find laughter in the mundane, gratitude in the messes & magic in what is #marriedmybestfriend #sarahandeddie #loveisachoice #loveisanaction #happyvalentinesday

Day 1 Again

Day 1 ....again. A friend asked me, what do you do when you just need to maintain? What if you don’t SEE a REAL before & after when you finish a program?

I told her transformations are always awesome and should be celebrated but they are not the validation we should rely on.

With that said, it's so so important to remember to not just look for and SEE our progress only from pics or in the mirror. It's better to measure success by the way we TRULY FEEL and how much we are truly caring for and loving ourself.

Our bodies are constantly changing & progress can't always be SEEN and that's ok.

Here's my reminders of how I'm WINNING the day(even while I'm on my period and feeling it)

I chose to wake up rather than sleep in.

I started my day with a meditation and mindset podcast which starts my day off right

I lifted heavier on this day ONE workout than I did one month ago

I had my superfoods shake (with all my fruit for the day) for lunch

I am drinking more water now to try to hit my 100 oz goal

I already know what dinner will be and it's 80% healthy and yes, I'm having dessert

All those wins add up to me feeling my absolute best, whether or not I lose or gain inches or lbs, what matters most is my mindset and how I'm treating my body day to day. When's the last time you added up your wins?

You might be due for a celebration of what your body CAN do. If we don't appreciate it now, then there's a chance you might not appreciate it even when you hit a goal.

Love yourself in THIS moment with at least ONE celebration! What's ONE WIN you wanna share?

#dayone #thesweatlifewithsarah #masteryourmindset

Win in THIS Moment

My job is for you to help see yourself, not as who you are NOW, but who you COULD BE. If you don't believe it for yourself yet, borrow some of the belief that I have in you.

You weren't meant to live small.

You have purpose.

You are powerful.

You were made in God's image.

You are love.

You are WORTHY to accept the love that you DO deserve.

Now repeat this in your head with me...

I wasn't meant to live small.

I have purpose.

I am made in God's image.

I am love.

I am worthy to accept the love that I DO deserve.

Start with the right affirmations EVERY DAY and end the day with them because .... well.. just because there's no reason NOT TO

Wherever you are in life, I want you to win in THIS moment, for your past, present and future self. You got this. XO

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