Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Going Back Soon!

5 years ago I took these pics (yes I'm picking a wedgie in the 3rd one, so what) this was at our Coach Corporate Success Trip, and in 56 days I'm going back to Punta Cana to celebrate with more of our team mates!

I always thought it would be so great if your job appreciated your work & gave you bonuses, gifts & paid for trips for you(& a guest). I never thought it would come from this job until it happened!

Amanda, Samantha and I just booked our flights and we can't wait dance on the beach together!!! Yes, you can expect more Zumba routines from us instructors

I love this job & if you have been waiting for the "feeling of ready" just know, it will never come. You just have to take action. Motivation is a lie, but making a decision and following through IS A CHOICE that anyone can make.

If you need the guidance & have travel, health & financial goals then I would love to chat to see if this type of job aligns with that. Life is what you make it, so MAKE it great!!!!!

#onlinecoaches #lovemyjob #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #letsgo #zumbainstructors

Two Reasons. Or Three

2 reasons why a 20 minute program is PERFECT for a fitness instructor...

#1 no crotch sweat on my pants, so I'll wear these later to class too
#2 still got lots of my pre-workout left so I'll be taking this to the gym with me when I teach Zumba tonight!

Ok, 3rd reason... NO MORE OVERTRAINING.

I honestly probably won't ever go back to a full one hour workout EVER AGAIN. I've gotten great results, I'm NOT Uber sore and I have more energy. Win win win in my book. If ya want to do this with me, I've got an awesome group doing this with me, wanna come hang with us? You are always welcome

Two Things...

2 things to remember today...
#1 it's never too late to start
#2 it's never too late to start, again.

Once I gave myself permission be a beginner, again & again I learned to hush my ego & actually take ACTION.

Even though procrastination & guilt were with me FOR YEARS I decided that I wanted a new story. One of adventure & building the confidence that I once envied from others.

So wherever you are on your journey in life always remember that your "DAY ONE".. can be MANY days bc most likely you will start over and learn more and more.....but don't let your mind wander too often with the "ONE DAY I WILL..." motto.

Because all of our "ONE DAYS" are limited & become ONE DAY less EVERYDAY.

So take that action. TODAY. You matter so live your life with intention...ALL THE DAYS you have left.

More Than A Number

I wanted to do a side by side next to my pic from 8 years ago because while some of my story is YES, weight loss, another part of my story is weight GAIN.

Ya see, I had struggled HARD with my relationship with food and with the scale and put wayyyy too much worth on that number.

About 2 weeks ago Eddie said he bought a scale but he hid it so I wouldn't be tempted to use (or abuse) it

Honestly I've come too far to ever let that number let me think my worth is any less.

These last 7 1/2 years as a Coach I've found BETTER ways to measure my success and I'm proud of myself.

I was curious about my weight (and the scales new features like bone and muscle mass) so I used it, ONE TIME and I'm happy to say, I haven't even thought about it since.

My diet didn't change because of that number and my mindset didn't change either. Thats a HUGE WIN in my book.

I love my strong body and I want you to know that any number doesn't define your success or worth either. EVER.

#weareworthy #morethananumber

Made It!

I made it!!!!! It took an extra day but I'm finally here!!! Feels so good to be united again with this beautiful Coach Samantha

We are team teaching INSANITY together tomorrow at her Coach Event! EEEEEEE!!!!I need to practice but first shakes and coffee

If you are near ALBUQUERQUE Come join us!!! (Taylor Ranch Community Center, doors open at 1130) $25, and trust me, it's gonna be so fun!!!!


Up early so Eddie and I can meet with a tax guy...get an LLC!?! Dude, it's about time, right?! Lol. Then hopping a plane to Albuquerque for a Coaching event I'm teaching INSANITY at!!!!! How is this real life!?

So yea, not alotta time but with this program its ONLY 20 minutes and DONE!!!!!

Thursdays are cardio days, and tbh, I wasn't looking forward to it, but then I realized you can substitute it for cycling! HECK YASSS!

I'm so excited to officially start this program on Monday with my next Challenge group (My Life, My Priority). Cycle days are optional, so even if you don't have a bike you can still join us

Registration closes Sunday! You are always welcome to join babe. What do you say, ya think you can squeeze in a 20 min sweat sesh and learn how to fuel your body right(80% of the time) & practice a little more mindfulness for your mental health with our meditations and personal growth!?!?

The answer is YES, you CAN do whatever you WANT. So show up with me. Want This for YOU, bc you deserve this too. You are worth it. Tust me

Ready for you, 2022

Ready for you, 2022. Let's talk about the word MANIFESTING for a hot second.

During today's vision board call I was taking down my 2021 goals and replacing them with my 2022 goals, and while I wasn't able to accomplish ALL of my goals, I DID accomplish quite a few of them & that felt good.

That word MANIFEST just means that you see yourself and the world around you as if your HUGE dreams do actually exist for you.

You feel it in your core & you know the impact it can be for you & your loved ones. When you open your eyes you ACT like it's already happening here in the present.

When you do this 2 things happen..

#1 you feel grateful for the present path you are on towards this goal.

#2 you show up MORE for it & that thing you want is attracting it like a magnet.

So trust the process and never, NEVER put a cap on what you want in life.

When your goals are BIGGER than what you think is possible the BRAVER part of you is given permission to show up MORE.
(Read again)

Yet, the opposite is also true....

When your goals are too small, the doubter in you shows up, insisting to tell you that it's still just too much.

You will hear things like:

"You can't do this."
"People will judge you."
"You should only stick with what you are good at."
"You'll never bee good at...etc."

Sound familiar?

It did to me, until I decided to set bigger goals.

I didn't know EXACTLY how to get there but when I dreamed BIGGER, I attracted the opportunities, I celebrated my wins along the way, and my fails were NOT fails because I learned to be braver each day.

Take for example the jobs I LOVE...
Being an Online Coach, fitness Instructor and now working for @fitnessteeco

The me 7 years ago would have said, that's all too much. But there was a voice inside of me saying,"just try".

The worst thing is not thinking I might fail, the WORST THING is never even taking the chance & looking back thinking...."I wish I would have."

Maybe for you, you are reading this and HOPING for a better year than the last. But ask yourself, are you willing to give up the doubter in you? Are you willing to stop repeating the past? Are you ready to stop talking problems and starting taking ACTION on solutions??

You already have what it takes, give yourself permission to GO FOR IT.

And if you need guidance I have a group starting January 10th called MY LIFE, MY PRIORITY and it's not just the tools you get that matter, it's the belief that you need to see that this is possible for you.
So let's chat and manifest some crazy awesome things together. You down!?!?

Can A Home Workout Really Replace the Gym?

It doesn't look like much changed here, but pic on the left of me I was teaching 15+ classes a week and practicing at home for another 10 hours a week! Yes, that 25 hours a week working out!!!!!

Tbh, I was nervous switching ENTIRELY to a home program in 2017 after I closed my fitness studio and I wasn't sure I would get good results with working out UNDER 5 hours a week! (Actually the first program I did START TO FINISH in 2017 was a TOTAL of 2.5 hours per week!)

Guys, overtraining is NEVER the answer! Trust me, I KNOW IT!!!

When you train properly, introduce a superfoods smoothie daily, get enough rest and water then YES, your entire body (& mind) can change for the better. Trust me. I know!!!!!

Prep week for "MY LIFE, MY PRIORITY" Challenge starts January 3rd, would you like me to save you a spot?!!?!?

Fill out my FREE WORKOUT application. 2022 doesn't know what's coming. Are you ready!?!?!?! #sweatwithsarah #thesweatlifewithsarah #healthyandwealthycoaching #transformationstory #transformationtuesday

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