Hey there! Happy New Year!! I just sent this to my accountability groups and I wanted to make sure I sent it to you too!!!
I love love love Brendan Burchard and I found this topic to be super inspiring & I wanted to pass it along to you (after all, that's what friends do ;)
Here's the LINK to listen
Here are my quick 5 takeaways:
#1 So you have a goal, dream, vision WHATEVER IT IS. Ask yourself "when are you working on it DAILY?" If it's not important to you, you won't do it. But if it is, you will.
#2 What is the 1st step? Do it NOW. Yes, RIGHT NOW, before your head hits the pillow. Stop waiting for your life to happen, YOU need to happen to your life! As in stop STOPPING. You can do this.
#3 90 Day Challenge. Do you have one? If not, get on a track! Did you know that I host 6 week Challenges every other Month?? My next Challenge begins in ONE week. If you need guidance with mindset, nutrition and (optional) workouts, let's talk!
#4 Who is your Accountability buddy? Are they reliant? Are you motivated to show up for them and vice versa?? Did you know I host Saturday Audiobook Clubs followed by a workout session (Starting again on January 15th) for my clients?!!? That's right, we have a WEEKLY meet up where we can share our wins and also our struggles and we work on a plan to get and STAY on track! Lean IN to the community. That's what I did and trust me, it's working for me and for others joining us. I see it EVERY DAY.
#5 Have a MANTRA. Do you have a habit of negative self-talk? That's a choice ya know. You CAN choose to listen to a greater and better version of yourself. You just need to practice it daily. Every time I see a mirror now I say an affirmation and also give myself a little high 5 (got that one from Our Sunday AudioBook Club- The High 5 Habit)
As I share these TOP 5 tips with you I want you to know that I am ONLY successful in these areas now because of the people I decided to surround myself by. And that's where YOU come in. You aren't alone in this and if you have BIG goals or little goals in 2022 I want to be that accountability buddy for you!!!
My registration closes for our January 10 - February 20 group THIS SUNDAY. So if you have some goals, let's CHAT. Let's get you signed up in time and ROCKING your daily to do list! You down?!!?!
Respond to this & I will send you more info about how to join our group 'MY LIFE, MY PRIORITY". And if you have a specific goal I want to know!!! Please fill this out so I can meet you where you are at and get you set up right.
I hope to hear from you and if I don't, no hard feelings. I know how HARD it is to be in place to say, I NEED THIS HELP. Heck it took me almost 2 years to sign up for this, then another 3 years before I FINALLY committed to this.
Seriously, if you think I have it all together, I DO NOT, but that's why I am so passionate about what I do. It's because if I, a past people pleasing, anxiety driven, panic attack sufferer, college dropout, past failed business owner can OVERCOME & actually have success in this, then YES so you can YOU. I'm here whether you are ready or not. Trust your gut & Lets goooooooooooo!!!!
Your friend & Coach
Sarah <3