Bend, Don't Break
Learn to Bend...& never break. I loved this story from my PD book I just recently read and wanted to share it with you. Hear me out, it's good.
When greenhouse experts were trying to grow the same trees inside a controlled environment with the same conditions the trees would STILL break at the same points when they reached a certain height.
Why did this happen?! Because while they accounted for sun, same temperatures and same amounts of water they forgot one thing....WIND.
The stress of the wind would actually cause the roots to burrow deeper and become stronger.
Makes sense, right?!
How true is that of our OWN lives? When we feel like we are breaking could it be the wind( stress ) that's causing us to sway too?
What we MUST do in those stressful situations is not break but instead look deeper at our foundations. Look inside ourselves rather than outside circumstances.
We have been in REACT mode for too long. Instead what if we did the things that WOULD give us more energy for growth?
What if we turned 3 alcohol drinks into one and drank more water? Our wallet would be fuller and our outlook on life clearer rather than numb.
What if we spent 30 min every morning making time for meditation and gratitude instead of reaching for social media only to be let down by not feeling "ENOUGH".
What if we decided to spend more time with people that lifted us up, rather than put us down? Our people pleasing ego could finally be silenced when that happens.
Just some thoughts on my mind because my workout today reminded me of this foundation I'm building. I'm more at peace and happy with who I am and I have the stresses of life to THANK for that.
Without the hard in life I wouldn't have worked so hard for the good. I wouldn't have appreciated the work it took to get here and because of this shift I welcome challenges rather than hide from them.
And I hope you do the same. Wherever you are in your journey of life, remember that learning to bend takes time. Be more present and make sure you are taking time for you. EVERY DAY.
Happy Flexy Friday friend.