Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Peace out, Indiana!

Peace out, Indiana! Headed to San Diego for TWITCH CON with Eddie!!! I love that since we are both twitch streamers we get to do this together

I also love traveling with Eddie. I'm at my laziest most relaxed self and can literally fall asleep anywhere So grateful he's the one that handles everything when we travel together.

Who are in you in your relationship? The travel leader or the sleeper?!

Bro, this Supermoon

Bro, this Supermoon. I've not had pain like this in a few months. Anyone else synced with the moon?! I finally broke down and decided to take some pain reliever yesterday and today bc these cramps were cray.

And yes, I am feeling WAYYY better than yesterday, so yes, I'll be teaching class, but I will be modifying some.

Got me some yam cream and castor oil/essential oil pack to help!!!!

Btw, if I'm really honest with myself this could also be because of.....

The added sugar from our last "Donut Saturday" ( they are closing, so yea.we got a dozen)

Also missed one day of my vitamins that help with decreasing my inflammation

I need to make sure I'm consistent, because it's been MONTHS since it's been like this!!!!

Anyhow, this is just me venting about being a girl I guess. Lol. Maybe you struggle too. I feel for ya.


In 2021, we took a risk and bought a brand new Jeep.

We were fine with the 1k monthly payment, but then 2023 happened & the year started out SHAKY.

Then one of my friends recommended I become an Affiliate for the Holistic store I was already shopping at. (Turns out I already had a referral link. Lol).....

I had my doubts, of course, and I was really hesitant to get involved in another online business.

But I knew I trusted the company and loved the products and found great success in my OWN HEALTH too...

So I tried. And in ONE MONTH I made enough to cover the jeep, our mortgage and all of our bills that month

I cried when I saw that number and thought...THIS IS HOW WE WILL PAY OUR BILLS.

I'm telling you this, because you are a part of my circle and maybe you have thought about pivoting too and you just don't want you to know that I'm not the ONLY ONE winning here....

Today we are celebrating another PAY DAY and I invite you to check out my stories because I'm sharing how this is helping my friends in our Private Wellness Chat too.

I know for me, the majority of my day is put into growing my own Fitness business and 1-2 hours is spent working THIS Online Wellness business.

Seriously, I'm freaking ecstatic where this business is going!!! My customers shop and over 95% of them STAY month after month. That's real REPEAT income.

Maybe this is your sign. I have a zoom tonight(Thursday) at 830pm EST and I'm inviting you to it.

Just comment CURIOUS or private message me and I'll send you the Zoom. Your camera can be off and you can stay muted. Just come and see what's possible.


Trust in yourself. You deserve to win too.

The Aorta Looking Plant Thing

"Hey, let's go take random pics in that aorta looking plant thing..."


Lol. I love my friends!!!!! Tbh, all 4 of us are on a call right now learning more about the Wellness Business we are all a part of and I'm SO FREAKING STOKED for what this month is gonna bring!

I've never felt MORE aligned with what I do, what I offer and who I connect with than I do RIGHT NOW!!!! AHHHHHHHH, THIS FEELS SO RIGHT!!!!! We going places babes!!!!!!!!

#thewellnessbusiness #holistichomewellness #lovemyfriends

Last-Minute Packing

Ahhhhh, last minute packing up and headed outta town to teach my 2 classes DYSO & HIIT THE FLOOR for a 12 day Women's retreat!!!! What is this life even?!?!

Peace out Indiana. Also, HUGE thanks to my amazing friend Sabrina for this amazing trip and experience!!!!! So cannot wait for @campbeherenow

#ontheroadagain #womensupportingwomen #womensretreat #adultsummercamp #campbeherenow

This is for YOU.

This is for YOU.

I've 've partnered with my Naturopath and a Nutrition Expert to offer the BEST.

Group approvals open tomorrow, then 4 days of prep. No this isn't dieting. No this isn't a quick fix. No this isn't most of your meals being a shake, a patch or a pill. This is HOLISITIC HEALING from an 80/20 approach(not an ALL IN approach).

When I tried an ALL IN approach it led me down a path of starving, bingeing, using processed "foods" and overtraining to "burn off" what I ate.

That is NOT the way to truly LIVE.

There are 9 guides to this group that will help people in ALL areas, and I truly think this will help so many. If you want to be a part of this, click here.

If you are OVER the DIET CULTURE that costs more money that STILL doesnt educate and inspire you too, then let's have a conversation.

This is for YOU.

The NO List

I'm sure you have seen the products I RAVE about from this Holisitc Home Wellness store I shop at, but wanna know what I love BEST!? The NO LIST!!

Be careful where you buy your .....

Cleaning products
Hair products
Skin care
Room spray
Nail polish
Essential oils
Baby wipes

I have been a shopper at this ONE STOP SHOP for nearly 4 years. I'm never going back to anywhere else.

50 Boxes!

Yes, we have a TARDIS door. It's bigger on the inside(Dr. Who joke, in case you are confused.)

Anyhow. Look what I just got?!!?

This is probably my 50th box....but who's counting?! I've shopped here since late 2020, and here's a few reasons WHY.....

This is a store that:

Is based in the USA & the products are made and manufactured here and gives Americans a LOT of great paying jobs! I look forward to calling customer service now MOST stores don't have that!!!

Has been around almost 40 years.

Has close to 500 products!!!

Isn’t raising prices with inflation.

Can’t be bought or go public out bc they’re % debt free

Ships to my doorstep in a few days

Gives me 6% bc I use thier CC(thats almost $100 a month in free products, yall!)

They have thousands of market retailers so I even get money back in products for shopping at Old Navy!!!

They truly CARE about their customers.

After doing the research and seeing how many companies have been bought out by the same corporations that did NOT have the consumers' best interest, I realized this THE BEST ONE STOP SHOP.

Seriously, write "claim" or RECALL after any box store or name brand, and you will SEE what I'm talking about!!!!

Not only that, but with using safer cleaner products I noticed my knuckles stopped drying out, Batman's fur grew back on his neck, And the inflammation in my ankles is name a few things.

And I love that it isn’t some added expense. It's REPLACING the items we ALREADY used, just better quality! Everything from cleaning and laundry items, bandaids, essential oils and vitamins, hair and skin care, and toothpaste......EVEN OUR Grade A, hormone free antibiotic BEEF is from this place

I’m so glad my friend Shelby shared it with me! And it’s been the best shopping/swap we have made!

#holisitichomewellness #healthyandwealthycoaching #affiliate #detoxselfcare #detoxyourhome #knowbetterdobetter

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