Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

This is for YOU.

This is for YOU.

I've 've partnered with my Naturopath and a Nutrition Expert to offer the BEST.

Group approvals open tomorrow, then 4 days of prep. No this isn't dieting. No this isn't a quick fix. No this isn't most of your meals being a shake, a patch or a pill. This is HOLISITIC HEALING from an 80/20 approach(not an ALL IN approach).

When I tried an ALL IN approach it led me down a path of starving, bingeing, using processed "foods" and overtraining to "burn off" what I ate.

That is NOT the way to truly LIVE.

There are 9 guides to this group that will help people in ALL areas, and I truly think this will help so many. If you want to be a part of this, click here.

If you are OVER the DIET CULTURE that costs more money that STILL doesnt educate and inspire you too, then let's have a conversation.

This is for YOU.

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