Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Family Time

Having family in town from Spain & Kansas has been so amazing I might only see my siblings 1x -2x a year, but we always make it special and I'm so grateful to have them in my life.

Hoping to see my more of my family more often. They are all just incredible people and I'm thankful to call them family AND friends. Love you guys so freaking much!!!!!!! I should have taken more pics!!!!!!!!! I do love looking back at these pics


When struggle happens, you can be sad for a minute, but don't make it a month.

Last summer, when I decided to pivot and change up careers, I was scared of the uncertainty, but ya know the WORST PART of it ALL?!?!

It was actually STAYING in the uncertainty before I made the decision to take action. That was the SUCK. That was the most DRAINING.

& YES, I have time and time again been reminded I'm EXACTLY where I need to be. And I, 1 MILLION percent, made the RIGHT choice.

And even now, as I explore NEW ways to grow, I am reminded to NOT sit on it.

We are NOT promised tomorrow.

So, as your friend, I want to remind YOU today, August 8 2024...the BIGGEST manifest day of the YEAR, to allow yourself to PIVOT. To change. To MANIFEST the life you TRULY want to live.

If only you tell your fears, self limiting beliefs & the negative naysayers to "BACK OFF" and instead say.... "I'm doing this for ME. I'm doing this for my FAMILY. I'm doing this because I'm sick of the sidelines!!!!!"

You ready? What are you Manifesting this month?

Here are my goals & what I will manifest for August:

This week, be PRESENT with my family who are visiting from Kansas & Spain.

On the 12th, I'm hopping on a check opening call and celebrating with my fellow Affiliates how this job is helping their families.

On the 17th I along with fellow affiliates, are going to be offering a wellness workshop with my Naturopath, Dr. SHANNON to help our friends learn how to BOOST thier immunity, & use safer non-toxic products.

August 21st headed to PA for a HUGE women's retreat to learn and grow with and dream BIG with women I'm inspired by!

And lastly looking more into offering a certification or workshop so others can teach my classes too!!!

Big scary goals, but I think it's worth it and I think I can do it. If others can...then WHY NOT ME?!?!!

I hope you are saying that too today.

I <3 Reston!

Enjoying my last few hours in this beautiful city!!!!! I <3 Reston VA! It you visit you MUST go to Tatte @tattebakery and yes it meets my espresso standards. As a barista for 5 years I thoroughly appreciate the time and dedication and love for coffee that smaller coffee shops have so it's a MUST for me to try to find and support one everytime I travel ! And yes. This place IS PHENOMONAL!!!

Also, if you want to see the cafes I recommend, just click my hashtag below....oh and also if Netflix wants to pay me and Eddie to travel and interview Barbara's and drink really great coffee I would so be down



How to stay hydrated and show love to joints....

pink lemonade joint mix

raspberry lemon electrolytes

8oz Synergy kombucha

Fill the rest with water.

So so good!!!

btw, just so you know

The best type of collagen for you depends on what you want to improve. The three most common types of collagen, type 1, 2, and 3, each have different roles in the body:

Type 1

Also known as the "architect" of skin, type 1 collagen helps keep skin smooth and supple by providing strength and elasticity. It's also found in bones, tendons, ligaments, eyes, and teeth, and may help reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, and strengthen hair and nails. However, type 1 collagen levels start to decline in your twenties.

Type 2

Also known as the "joint lubricator," type 2 collagen cushions joints and supports cartilage health, which can help with smooth movement and joint pain. It's found in joint cartilage, eyes, and spinal discs, and may also help manage symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Type 3

Type 3 collagen works with type 1 to help maintain skin's plumpness and resilience, and also supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It's found in intestines, blood vessels, organs, and muscles, and may help with digestion and gut health, as well as hair and nails. Improved gut health is associated with many other health benefits, and better arterial health can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

My supplements I take for this (from my holisitic Home Wellness store) is...

Replenex has type 2 and our collagen boost supplement has type 1 and 3 and my high absorption rate vitamins contain all the rest I need to decrease inflammation and fight free radicals :D

No wonder I haven't had ankle or joint issues since September!!!!!!

What Do I Do?

So what is it that I do?

I have partnered with my Naturopath & have joined America's Largest Online Wellness store. (Yes, even thier customer service is in the USA)

I do reviews on my stories a few times a week sharing about some of my fav products and those interested in taking a peek at the store I send them a 10 min video.

If they are ready to shop, I send them a referral link.

I help them learn how to swap shops to save money, save the environment & help them and their families FEEL BETTER.

I honestly love what I get to do & I am so grateful that this job even exists!!!

If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

#holistichomewellness #healthyandwealthycoaching #essentialoils #cleanmakeup #cleanskincare #cleanhaircare #holisticsupplements #cleansnacks #greenercleaningsupplies #brainhealth #boneandjointhealth #riverbendranch

Favorite Love Story

Out of all the love stories, ours is my favorite.

Eddie asked me to marry him 17 years ago today, so we thought a good way to celebrate was to dance a little at a winery, eat pizza and drink some wine.

It was a good day.

#sarahandeddie #happyproposeday

I'm On a Boat!

Oh look, I bought a yacht jk. Not YET I haven't...I just liked this pic and with all the travel incentives going on with my affiliate company I can't help but be freaking stoked about what's coming this fall!!! I'm dreaming big again y'all....and that feels so good

Also, if you are stuck..... You are ALLOWED to pivot. It's your life boo. Live it!!!! Some people will judge, while others will dream big too. Sign me up for the DREAM BIG group bc there's enough success for usALL here!!!

#holistichomewellness ##healthyandwealthycoaching ##affiliate #timefreedom #vitaminsea #beach #beachvibes #dreambig

Checking In!

Ok yall, I decided to print this off so I can SEE IT!!! Here's my check in for today!!!

And how "I'm eliminating detrimental influences that make me question my worth"... is by unfollowing my "political friends"....I'm still thier friend, but now I won't see thier posts in my newsfeeds. This is for my mental health & if you need this...DO IT TOO.

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