Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

ME from THEM

Once I stopped separating ' ME from THEM", I finally gave myself permission to TRY to be like the people I so admired.

I thought my struggles defined me, and I could NEVER overcome them.

I used to be the BIGGEST procrastinator.

I used to struggle with binging and starving myself.

I used to he the type of person who was too scared to try something different bc I was worried about the judgey mcjudgersons out there. I grew up Christian...there's a lot of us

Do I STILL struggle with those things? At times, YES. But there are more times that I DON'T now, and that's a HUGE win in my book!

When others have success, it shows us THERE'S A BETTER WAY.

It's time to forgive your past so you can stop living in it.

This is the ONLY Monday that will ever exist on February 6th 2023 and you are ONLY this age TODAY.

Will it be the same, or something better because YOU decided to stop hiding and show up to it. Mistakes and all! I am worthy to be here. And so are you.

Have a good day friend.

#iamenoughchallenge #noshame #showupandtry

Dance Dreams

“You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.” - Gene Kelly

This is a quote one of my students shared with me that I wanted to share here too.

My word is YES this year and this quote is the theme ((((Thanks Colleen )))

Life is meant to be not only lived, but LOVED & sometimes that means dancing in your kitchen, in the studio or on the beach

Fitness Feedback Friday!

Hey there! Happy February! I hope you’re doing awesome! 

I don’t know if you’ve seen my stories on IG or FB, but there's a brand new 8 week fitness program that has launched and I’m LOVING this strength program so far  

I was able to snag the sample workout (you do need some weights or something heavy you can grab) and I'm in need of a few testimonials from it next week. Would you be willing to test out this sample workout for me and give me your feedback?! No cost, just a free 30 min workout to try this week and then filling out a quick form!

If you are interested, here's the link to request it! Thanks!!! 

Heal Your Mind and Body

When you can heal your mind, it allows your body to heal too.

I share my journey for two reasons: It helps me stay accountable to these mindset/nutrition & fitness programs and I want to help someone feel that they are WORTHY to feel good and love who they are RIGHT NOW.

I have a few people starting this healing journey with me next Monday in my " I AM ENOUGH" challenge and yes, I want to help a person who was just like me...

— A person who has struggled bingeing & emotional eating.

— A person who uses exercise as punishment for what they ate.

— A person who struggles with receiving a compliment and tends to diminish their worth as soon as they feel noticed.

Is that you? Because I want you to know you are NOT alone & I truly believe what's helped me has the power to help you too.

Fill out my Virtual Health Club. This challenge begins Feb 6th

#iamenoughchallenge #healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah

Good to the Last Drop

Yup, good to the last drop! Someone today asked me if there was SOY in our superfoods shake and I almost choked on my shake OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!

Listen y'all after YEARS of research and knowing almost EVERY ingredient in our shake I can PROUDLY say there is NO SOY!!!

Please research, bc there are SO MANY shake company's out there promoting their shakes and they don’t have even a QUARTER of the nutritional value that our shake has and most likely they DO have soy in theirs.

Sorry not sorry, bc I switched to this company and shake for SO MANY REASONS.

If you happen to have Netflix, please watch the show DOWN TO EARTH with Zac Effron and Darin Olien. Darin actually created our superfoods shake and he is known ad the "INDIANA JONES of Superfoods"(yes google him). So yes, I trust our Nutritionists, Dieticians and nutrition experts AND YES, I will continue to drink this EVERY DAY(GOING ON 9 YEARS).

Btw, no filter, no make up on and I'll be 40 this year!!!!! Again, what you put IN YOUR BODY MATTERS!!!!!!

The Minute You Decide

The minute you make the decision to start living the life you want rather than the life others want for you is the moment you are on the RIGHT path.

If I would have told 29 year old Sarah that this would be her life in 10 years I would said .."yea....that'd be nice". I know because I said that!!!! Sarcastically even!!!

I was so scared to step outside the norm so I watched others have success and thought...yea that'd be nice" & continued to come up with reasons why I COULDN'T do what they did.

All I could hear was my own doubts and self limiting beliefs and it came out in the form of panic attacks, nail biting, binge eating and jealousy.

So what changed in me? Well, a bit of both inspiration for a better life and desperation to not repeat the past.

So I tried something new. I tried something that others scoffed at and said would NEVER work.

I realized I was living by the direction of people that weren't dreamers and do-ers.

They were complainers and talked negatively about others. They CHOSE to live in chaos and not seek help & opportunity and decided to give up before really trying.

That was who I was surrounded by, because that's who I was.

Until I said, MAYBE there's a better way....

Instead of judging, what if I learned?

Instead of quitting, what if I tried?

Instead of complaining, what if I asked for help?

Sometimes you have to give yourself compassion for who you are in hard moments so that you can take a few breaths and ask yourself those questions.

I share all this to not say I have it all figured out, but to offer help in any of these areas.

I have found many circles of supportive friends who ARE dreamers and doers who DO cheer each other on and are also willing to ask for help when needed.

You never have to feel stuck because I want you to know I am here to help.

My February group is called "I AM ENOUGH". Lean in and learn WITH me. Life is meant to be LOVED. Not just lived.

#iamenough #weareworthy #healthyandwealthycoaching

Try Coaching Week!

Hi friends! Back from the cruise and on such a high!!!! I finally got meet fellow Coach, Sylvia!!!!! Love you girl, had a blast dancing with you last week!!!!

Also that's a sleep mask on my head in case anyone was wondering It was a pajama party!

Btw, I wanted to quickly share this......

1x a month, my Coaching team & I host a "TRY COACHING WEEK" for people wanting to see what it looks like to be an Online Health & Wellness Coach!!! Would you like to check it out?


When life gives you lemons .....get on a freaking cruise ship and dance and eat to your hearts content! ain't a bad way to start the year off #dancefitnesscruise #dancefitnesscruise8 #joinmenextyear

Bikini From PINEAPPLE CLOTHING!!! If ya want to check them out and get 20% off using Code SARAH

The Freedom You Want


That was today's takeaway from my mindset group, & it couldn't be more right.

I leave for the dance fitness cruise in 2 days (so yes, expect more beach pics), and I could have never been able to "ask off work" or afford to do this when I was a fitness instructor.

While I had multiple jobs at many gyms, I hadn't developed a ROUTINE for building a real business.

I knew there was a better way & trying to do it all on my own was not getting me anywhere. I had to swallow my pride, step outside my comfort zone, and ASK FOR HELP.

I sought out this "Online Coaching" job because I wanted to offer MORE & eventually have the freedom to work where I want, when I want, and with who I want.

Little did I know that this would help me heal my own mind & body, too.

I share with you because maybe you have watched me do this, and you have thought it might work for you too but you don’t know where to start or you think you have to have confidence before you try.

I felt the same way, but you don't have to do this alone either.

I have had some one on one calls this week with my teammates & I am so proud of the systems we have in place.

I've seen some brand new Coaches have even quicker success than I had when I started, and I'm so freaking excited for them! So that's how I know this works!!

One of my HUGE goals this year is to help more fellow fitness instructors & trainers have more freedom from learning & implementing our Online Coaching Business Routines!

I want more of my teammates to join these epic trips & have the freedom to travel, too.

If you want to help more people with real holistic health routines & learn & earn as you go, then fill out the Virtual Health Club form

I will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know

I'll be in touch after I get back!!

And here's my disclaimer, because yes, this is a REAL job

Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence & skill.

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