Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.


How to stay hydrated and show love to joints....

pink lemonade joint mix

raspberry lemon electrolytes

8oz Synergy kombucha

Fill the rest with water.

So so good!!!

btw, just so you know

The best type of collagen for you depends on what you want to improve. The three most common types of collagen, type 1, 2, and 3, each have different roles in the body:

Type 1

Also known as the "architect" of skin, type 1 collagen helps keep skin smooth and supple by providing strength and elasticity. It's also found in bones, tendons, ligaments, eyes, and teeth, and may help reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, and strengthen hair and nails. However, type 1 collagen levels start to decline in your twenties.

Type 2

Also known as the "joint lubricator," type 2 collagen cushions joints and supports cartilage health, which can help with smooth movement and joint pain. It's found in joint cartilage, eyes, and spinal discs, and may also help manage symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Type 3

Type 3 collagen works with type 1 to help maintain skin's plumpness and resilience, and also supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It's found in intestines, blood vessels, organs, and muscles, and may help with digestion and gut health, as well as hair and nails. Improved gut health is associated with many other health benefits, and better arterial health can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

My supplements I take for this (from my holisitic Home Wellness store) is...

Replenex has type 2 and our collagen boost supplement has type 1 and 3 and my high absorption rate vitamins contain all the rest I need to decrease inflammation and fight free radicals :D

No wonder I haven't had ankle or joint issues since September!!!!!!

What Do I Do?

So what is it that I do?

I have partnered with my Naturopath & have joined America's Largest Online Wellness store. (Yes, even thier customer service is in the USA)

I do reviews on my stories a few times a week sharing about some of my fav products and those interested in taking a peek at the store I send them a 10 min video.

If they are ready to shop, I send them a referral link.

I help them learn how to swap shops to save money, save the environment & help them and their families FEEL BETTER.

I honestly love what I get to do & I am so grateful that this job even exists!!!

If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

#holistichomewellness #healthyandwealthycoaching #essentialoils #cleanmakeup #cleanskincare #cleanhaircare #holisticsupplements #cleansnacks #greenercleaningsupplies #brainhealth #boneandjointhealth #riverbendranch

Favorite Love Story

Out of all the love stories, ours is my favorite.

Eddie asked me to marry him 17 years ago today, so we thought a good way to celebrate was to dance a little at a winery, eat pizza and drink some wine.

It was a good day.

#sarahandeddie #happyproposeday

I'm On a Boat!

Oh look, I bought a yacht jk. Not YET I haven't...I just liked this pic and with all the travel incentives going on with my affiliate company I can't help but be freaking stoked about what's coming this fall!!! I'm dreaming big again y'all....and that feels so good

Also, if you are stuck..... You are ALLOWED to pivot. It's your life boo. Live it!!!! Some people will judge, while others will dream big too. Sign me up for the DREAM BIG group bc there's enough success for usALL here!!!

#holistichomewellness ##healthyandwealthycoaching ##affiliate #timefreedom #vitaminsea #beach #beachvibes #dreambig

Checking In!

Ok yall, I decided to print this off so I can SEE IT!!! Here's my check in for today!!!

And how "I'm eliminating detrimental influences that make me question my worth"... is by unfollowing my "political friends"....I'm still thier friend, but now I won't see thier posts in my newsfeeds. This is for my mental health & if you need this...DO IT TOO.

Radical Self Love

Before judgments are made about a "bikini" pic I need to say something that some may or may not agree with.

Earlier today I shared a pic of an almost naked beautiful woman and I'd like to share something about body shaming.

The picture is of Sonya, who has written, "The body is not an apology" and I shared her pic bc she's trying to show that the human body doesn't need to be sexualized or judged or thought of as a way to get attention.

She shares what RADICAL self love is in the way a body is first discovered. Think of a newborn or toddler being so excited about their feet, their belly, their hands and being in awe and wonder of their own self.

That's beautiful and radical self love. It's the foundation of love for oneself before we started judging ourselves and others for their size, or shapes, or abilities, disabilities, etc....

This book has really shown me, we don't have to judge or think a "sexy" woman or man is just trying to get attention, or that we need to covet or compare that which we don't have.

Instead, it's showing self-love in a way that is not judged or shamed in ANY way.

I, for one, thought the same thing you might have when I first saw this cover.... then I heard her speak and realized this book is really for me and EVERYONE who might have had a moment of judgment.

We need to unlearn the thoughts we may have about how we look at our own bodies and the bodies of others. I am so glad I'm listening to the aduiobook, and I would love for you to join us too!!!!!!

Reach out if you want to join us for this book club. You can even join the Zoom muted with video off if you just want to sit and listen while a few of us share our takeaways on chapter this every Saturday 10am EST.

#bodypositivity #bodypositive #everybodyisbeautifull #weareworthy #radicalselflove #thebodyisnotanapology #sonyareneetaylor

15 Years

15 years can age us....or maybe it can't. What I see here is someone unsure of herself. Working for others and making minimum wage. So stressed out and not getting enough rest. Also she bit her nails till they bled (see pic on left)...and she hid her binge eating in shame.

I'm here to say that you CAN overcome. And I'll be willing to go first when it comes to dreaming big, bc I want YOU to know I want to dream BIG WITH YOU & in my circle, we are the dreamers and do-ers and dont allow the opinions of others to derail us from BIG DREAMS!!!!!

& Now that we are halfway through 2024 I want to share my 1/2 year goals with you...

Mental: We are still doing a mindset book a month in my book club bc mindset is EVERYTHING.(The body is not an apology for July)

Physical: goal is to be able to do more overhand wide pull ups! Up to 5 now, and wanting 10 easy by the end of the year!

Relationships: An adventure every week...whether it's videogames or hikes with Eddie or a canoeing down a river with family or a girls retreat! Adventure time is NOW.

Financial: To earn MORE this year with my online jobs! I had no idea if this affiliate/referral job I started last July, would work out. And wow, we've paid for our mortgage and jeep every month since we started. These next 12 months I want to hit 6 figures and honestly, I think we can.

Mentorship: I want to help 5 people to have the same success with working online. I used to doubt leading others with this but with over a decade in the online space and seeing so many of our wellness business friends celebrate month after month, I KNOW this isn't just the answered prayers I needed, but it could be so so right for someone else too.

Spiritual: I'm going to spend more time in prayer thanking God for giving me the dreams to WANT to show up to. I don't need to come to Him asking for what I need because I know He already has given it. It's up to ME to accept it and say, "Thanks for what is and what's coming."

Ok, I think that's it for now! If you want to share your dreams with me, dint hesitate to reach out!!!! Your dreams matter, too. Xo,
Your Sweaty bestie

Stay Hydrated!

Stay hydrated through the summer friends!

Tbh, I don't really like to drink water, so what helps me is drinking TASTY water throughout the day.(better than reaching for a pop or white claw or truly!)

Today's mix is...

((( fellow Holistic Home Wellness shoppers, add these 1st 2 to your next order))))

Raspberry lemon Sustain Electrolytes

Raspberry lemondade Replenex

Fresh squeezed lemon

Fresh watermelon


Lemoncello Lacroix

All Blended together

It's perfection

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