It's easier to be jealous than accepting.
It's easier to stay the same than change.
It's easier to point out someone's flaws before your own. It's easier to have a fixed mindset than a growth mindset.
It's easier to think you live in scarcity over abundance.
All things I practiced & believed daily...until I joined network marketing. Well as I used to call it... a PYRAMID SCHEME.
I realized I was DONE BEING STUCK that and I wanted to live the life that these "lucky" people were living.
Turns out they weren't lucky; they just had a really good work ethic and didn't let the opinions of others crush their dreams.
And here I am (in this pic) ... on my 5th... or 6th earned trip that my business paid for.....and leaving in 2 weeks for the next one!!!!!
Did I sell my soul to the Devil? Nope?
Did I have to learn that helping people get healthier required me to show up and work FOR VERY LITTLE was worth it in the beginning? YUP.
Would I choose a different path looking back????? Yeah, I wish I would have started this right out of HS!!
But tbh, I wasn't mature then & would have quit. I would have let the naysayers or the previous quitters talk me out of it.
Almost 8 years later, I'm STILL here, and I'm glad I share this with others because we are worthy of THIS!!!!
Don't talk yourself out of another great idea, if you are curious reach out! We are gearing up for HUGE program launches in March, May and do NOT want to miss out! This business has changed my whole life, and who knows, it might just change yours too. #healthyandwealthycoaching
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