Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Day 2,920!

Cheers to week #2 of our Gut Health & weight lifting program.. And also celebrating day 2,920 as a Coach! Yes, today is my 8 year COACH-VERSARY!!!!!!! I could go on and on about how much I love this job...but I won't...bc I think k you already know

And also, thank YOU to those that said YES. You know who you are! I love growing with each and everyone of you! Whether it's in our audiobooks clubs, challenge groups, power hours, nutrition workshops, virtual workouts or in message threads, you ALL make me realize that this work MATTERS, because yes WE MATTER.

We deserve to make our health a REAL PRIORITY. I'm so proud of all of you!!!!!! Thank you for being on this journey with me

#healthyandwealthycoaching #guthealthmatters #livelovelife


Too often we sacrifice what we want LATER for something we want RIGHT NOW.

Most people like the idea of being healthy but when it comes down to it, the majority will choose the comfort of staying the same than the discomfort of doing something GOOD for them in the NOW.

I know because I've been in this health career nearly 15 years & when people CHOOSE to show up in the NOW and get healthy with me(especially on a Saturday).... I CELEBRATE IT!!!!

We had our nutrition webinar then Zumba class right after & I'm so thankful for these healthy communities I'm a part of.

You all make me WANT to show up NOW and it's my LATER self (sitting on the couch in a robe while I watch CSI) that realizes how grateful I am to have people in my life that DO have the same goals as me.

So cheers to my @zumba , @beachbody & @fitnessteeco communities. You ALL inspire me so much!!!!!!

#wecandohardthings #weareworthit #lovemyjob #lovethistribe #zinlife #healthyandwealthycoaching #sweatyourstory

Gut Health Support Group

Y'all don't see what's happening behind the scenes in my private GUT HEALTH SUPPORT group message thread.... With being just 5 days in, I'd like to say ..... WE ARE CRUSHING THIS PROGRAM!!!!

I've never seen so many people actually DO the work. I mean yea, workouts are usually the easier habit to start...but eating HEALTHY!?!!? I struggle with that one the most too!!!!

I'm recommending this program to EVERYONE who joins my groups from now on!!!!! I'm so proud of you guys, names and faces have been blurred out, but just thought I would share bc I'm so freaking proud.....Y'all know who you are

If you want to join us for ROUND #2 (May 2nd) go here ASAP!!!!!

#healthyandwealthycoaching #guthealthmatters

Are You Committed?

If you don't track, you aren't really committed.

And I mean that in business, health, mindset...everything.

So here's my day one. Even though I officially started yesterday I wanted to make sure I had the same space, lighting, outfit, etc bc yes I KNOW I'm going to see results from this Gut Health program and I want to celebrate not just when I'm done, but EVERY DAY of this journey!!!!

I'm already 12 days in alcohol free and that feels good, now with cutting added sugar and processed foods too I know I'm going to feel my best, and that's what my body deserves from me.

I already know I'm doing a second group of this on May 2nd. Do you want to join in?
I'll save ya a spot

#guthealthmatters #lovemyjob #ifeelgood #healthyandwealthycoaching

Great Time!

#dreamcometrue when you get the chance to team teach with one of the BEST instructors I've ever met! And the energy the ENTIRE CLASS had was freaking

Thank you all so so much for taking the time to dance with us today. It truly meant the world to us to have you all there

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Zumba community and always will! Can't wait to see some of you at ZINCON this year too!!!!

PROUD of myself

I'm PROUD of myself. There, I said it.

FOR TOO LONG I would think I wasn't good at what I did, probably because I was in constant comparison mode & letting my past failures make me think I was still "a failure". But today… today, I'm freaking proud!!!

I hope one day you experience this for yourself, and you work hard at it because you DO feel worthy.

I think you only truly feel this when you look back and say....

ya know that sucked to be a beginner..

it sucked to feel like others were judging and doubting me...

and yea, that sucked to say NO to people pleasing because of the "friends" I thought I might lose (turns out only the toxic people don't appreciate your boundaries).

I always wanted to have a healthy relationship with my mind and body.

I always wanted to have healthier relationships with my TRUE friends, and I always want to grow with people willing to get uncomfortable too.....

And I'm proud I'm DOING IT. DAILY.

It would have sucked MORE if I gave up on me and today I'm proud of where I am and I'm excited about what everyday will bring.

Thanks for your love & support, friends. It's a lot of YOU that continued to inspire ME to KEEP going. you have reminded me that It’s not that we need to be successful to be happy; instead, we need happiness to be successful.

#coachlife #healthyandwealthycoaching #choosehappy #createyourlife

Seasons of Hardships

When I say I'm healthier at 38 than I was at 18 I ain't lying how's this for a #throwbackthursday and YES this is my senior photo from exactly 20 years ago!!!

I was one of the few people in class who never got "senior pics" taken. I had just got back from Spring break and it happened to be picture day for everyone (except for seniors) ....
So picture day it was for me that day!

Tbh I barely had passing grades and was probably told 100x to get pics but my senior year was weird anyhow... My parents divorced and my mom married one of my guy best friends dad, so yup we were brother sister our senior year (hi Matt). It was a weird Brady Bunch situation.

Being the class clown I was, I had a lot of fun being a goofball but when I was sad or depressed I didn't know how to act so I turned to food for emotional support.

That year was really hard on me in other ways too, but I developed a Binge emotional eating disorder that then lasted over 10 years.

I'm so grateful I got involved in a health career bc it eventually led me to where I am today.

Anyway, this post wasn't meant to go this deep, but that pic of me just reminds me of that year.

Anyhow, there are always seasons of hardships friends, and I'm not immune to it either & if you are going through something now all I can tell you is you are NOT ALONE and it's also OK to seek help & surround yourself with the RIGHT relationships.....and most of all KEEP TRYING!!

The harder the struggle the bigger the win it can be on the other side.

Why Gut Health?

Well I did it, I signed up for something I was super nervous about.

Tbh, I feel like I eat clean ENOUGH, I workout the right amount of time, get enough sleep and drink enough water, have pretty amazing poops WHY would I sign up for a new nutrition program all about GUT HEALTH!?

2 reasons...

#1 I KNOW the impact that the dietary changes I've already experienced from our following our programs & I KNOW this will help my clients too...and YES, I want to do this WITH THEM. #accountability

#2 After research on how much gut health affects EVEYTHING, I'm personally going to do this to see what food sensitivities I might also have because YES, I have digestive issues (I mean ALL the issues) during my period. From what I've researched, I FINALLY want to take responsibility for the choices I make around food because if I can feel % ...ALL the time, then that would be a game changer!

So here we go!!!! If you are nervous about doing this program ...SAME! So that's why I want YOU to know you won't be alone! There's a group of us starting this on April 4th! Wanna do this WITH US?!

Click on the Virtual Health Club form here and I can send you some info about it!

#wecandothis #guthealthmatters #WeAreWorthIt


It's easier to be jealous than accepting.

It's easier to stay the same than change.

It's easier to point out someone's flaws before your own. It's easier to have a fixed mindset than a growth mindset.

It's easier to think you live in scarcity over abundance.

All things I practiced & believed daily...until I joined network marketing. Well as I used to call it... a PYRAMID SCHEME.

I realized I was DONE BEING STUCK that and I wanted to live the life that these "lucky" people were living.

Turns out they weren't lucky; they just had a really good work ethic and didn't let the opinions of others crush their dreams.

And here I am (in this pic) ... on my 5th... or 6th earned trip that my business paid for.....and leaving in 2 weeks for the next one!!!!!

Did I sell my soul to the Devil? Nope?

Did I have to learn that helping people get healthier required me to show up and work FOR VERY LITTLE was worth it in the beginning? YUP.

Would I choose a different path looking back????? Yeah, I wish I would have started this right out of HS!!

But tbh, I wasn't mature then & would have quit. I would have let the naysayers or the previous quitters talk me out of it.

Almost 8 years later, I'm STILL here, and I'm glad I share this with others because we are worthy of THIS!!!!

Don't talk yourself out of another great idea, if you are curious reach out! We are gearing up for HUGE program launches in March, May and do NOT want to miss out! This business has changed my whole life, and who knows, it might just change yours too. #healthyandwealthycoaching

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