Why Gut Health?
Well I did it, I signed up for something I was super nervous about.
Tbh, I feel like I eat clean ENOUGH, I workout the right amount of time, get enough sleep and drink enough water, have pretty amazing poops DAILY...so WHY would I sign up for a new nutrition program all about GUT HEALTH!?
2 reasons...
#1 I KNOW the impact that the dietary changes I've already experienced from our following our programs & I KNOW this will help my clients too...and YES, I want to do this WITH THEM. #accountability
#2 After research on how much gut health affects EVEYTHING, I'm personally going to do this to see what food sensitivities I might also have because YES, I have digestive issues (I mean ALL the issues) during my period. From what I've researched, I FINALLY want to take responsibility for the choices I make around food because if I can feel % ...ALL the time, then that would be a game changer!
So here we go!!!! If you are nervous about doing this program ...SAME! So that's why I want YOU to know you won't be alone! There's a group of us starting this on April 4th! Wanna do this WITH US?!
Click on the Virtual Health Club form here and I can send you some info about it!
#wecandothis #guthealthmatters #WeAreWorthIt