If I Can, I Will
DAY 1 (or 4,000) BABY!!! When you follow an 80/20 lifestyle, you don't look at starting & ending anymore & that's what I'm hoping that everyone in my challenge learns from this 6 weeks....bc there is no ending.
There's swapping out certain foods, sure, but that's because we want to heal rather harm our bodies.
Will we still have treats from time to time? Yup. I plan on it!
Tbh, I hope that with whatever program or challenge you are following, you start to look at food differently too.
I had really struggled with certain programming when I was encouraged to eat around 800-1000 calories a day when i was already bingienf and starving myself all theoigh my 20's. I cannot and will NEVER promote that.
No more CUTTING, just adding in what will help us sweep out toxins and give us the energy we need to get stronger from our workouts, not weaker.
And coming back after being sick, I KNOW I need this focus with THIS program now more than ever!!!!
Here's my REAL LIFE check-in I shared in my group. I thought I would share it here, too
I have been having digestive issues(been sick the last 5 days), and I was thinking it was too much vitamin C....I did increase my C supplement & it might be too much for me. ....So now I'm upping my fiber instead.
I had a fiber/protein(GC) mix in my coffee this am and had a scoop of green apple fiber and had that for mid breakfast.
Did a lower body workout(in the RESET fb group), and Batman, my doggo pooped on the livestream. I have a them in my life rnoye vey....
Had a good workout, tho!!! Now eating this! Balsamic mix with lettuce, mozzarella, tomatoes, and the Riverbend Steak from our Holistic Wellness store! So freaking good!!!!
Hope you all are having a good, strong Monday!
Today's affirmation...
IF I CAN, I WILL!!!!!!!!