Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Time to Detach?


Detachment is often looked at as a bad thing, but in reality it's those that stop letting fear take over, who are truly happiest.... Let me explain this in my own experience...

Do you remember when I owned my own fitness studio & closed after one year?

My fear of LOSS was STRONG. It told me that if I closed I would let everyone down. My fear told me I was a failure. My fear told me that I am not trying hard enough.

I almost hung on for ALL the wrong reasons & the one thing I did was DETACH from this fear.

Ya know your body will tell you when somethings wrong. Anxiety, depression, anger, envy. These are all signs you probably don't need to be where you are at... whether it be a career or a relationship.

I had to listen to those signs and DETACH. Only THEN was I able to LOOK FOR hope.

Too often we only see the bad because we are ONLY LOOKING FOR IT. If we expect it &it happens, then we aren't let down, right?!


Our view is clouded when we CHOOSE to ONLY see the doubts, the judgements, the envy and the hopelessness.

I had to tell myself.....

So instead of hanging on & losing more money & time & sleep... I detached from the situation so I could see the answer.

That answer came when my sister "jokingly" said, "Hey our renters are moving out, you guys should just move back home & buy our house."

If I hadn't seen this as the answer then I would have scoffed it off & stayed STUCK.

I'm so thankful she said that. Because moving back has been such a blessing & I have been able to find hope, clarity & even grow mentally physically & financially. I have been able to help people the way I set out to do, not only with their health but with their wealth too.

I know these roadblocks had to happen for me because that's where growth comes from.

I had to open my eyes & DETACH from the ego of being liked & accepted.

I had to act like I LIKED ME for me, & work on treating myself better.

It's a journey for all of us but I hope that you also DETACH from what no longer serves you so that you can see the opportunities for growth also.

Please ask yourself...."what do I need to detach from? What do I need to let go?"

I set out to help others, but we are only willing to accept the love and positive changes we THINK we deserve. And if we think we don't deserve it DEEP DOWN, then we continue to struggle and self sabotage. Please understand, all change begins within.

Let go of the judgements of yourself and others. Start from a place of love and acceptance. Your whole life can change when you do this. Love you guys.

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