Get Out of Your Own Way
Sometimes we need this reminder and a little self reflection. Think about it, in what way have you STOPPED before starting something that could lead you down the RIGHT path?
I can recall quite a few experiences that caused me to stay an unhealthy relationship... to scared & afraid to fail at Coaching......not seeking help for my emotional/binge name a few.
Fear gives us the illusion that if we do NOTHING then we don't get hurt, but in reality, it is manifesting the EXACT thing we fear...and that is NOTHING CHANGES FOR THE BETTER.
So the TIME IS NOW to get our of your way & let the dreamer & do-er in you STEP THE FREAK UP!!!!
Life is short and we are either living with POSITIVE CHANGES and EXPERIENCES or dying daily from not living in our truth that we SHOULD live and love ourselves so we can be BETTER for the people around us.
If you need a plan of action let's chat. Our community is all about confronting those fears and taking real and DOABLE action. TOGETHER.
#wakeupcall #timetoletgo #getoutofyourownway #letsgoplaces #freetrip #coachretreat #mayariviera #lovemyjob