Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

The Hardest Part of My Job?


Someone once asked me...what's the hardest part of my job & I easily said...."It's not being able to help someone get to where they want to go".

I deep down struggle with this you guys.
I doubt my capabilities. I second guess myself & try to come up with NEW ideas and NEW ways to help people see they are WORTHY of MORE.

I share my story, I share what's helped me, but the action is left to the reader to look inward and see they can do this too.

But I realize that I am ONLY responsible for my actions. Just like we ALL are.

Actions speak louder than words so I must ACT like the type of person who doesn't doubt their capabilities. I must ACT like the type of person that leads and helps others become leaders too....easier said than done, amiright!?

Anyway, just some thoughts I've been having lately, because while YES, I love my work, it's also pretty tough at times and I know that this just means I'm in need of more personal development. So if you have tips I'm here to listen. XO

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