In a lifetime you will have slept 33 years, tried to sleep (hello laying bed on socials and/or hitting that snooze) another 7 years. Crazy right?!!?
So with the time you have left how you we spending it and are your choices in your life Value Driven?
As in, with the choices you make, are they in alignment with what you truly want out if life?
Most times we are in REACT mode and we do what we do....bc that's what we do! Obviously right!?
But how often are you making decisions based on your values?
Because I think too often I've been in the REACT MODE for far too long and I didn't question what I did...I just did it.
& we wonder why are so many of us feeling lost or unfulfilled or unhappy in life, relationships and work?
Well I think it comes down to...
So let's do something about it.
So before the next decision you make, maybe think about how your decision will affect you...not in the HERE AND NOW, but how it will affect you tomorrow, next month, next year & over your lifetime.
And maybe include something like...
Because I VALUE my relationship I will CREATE time to sit down and talk to my spouse about having a date night EVERY WEEK.
Because I VALUE my family, I am spending my free time doing fun things with them and creating memories every month.
Because I VALUE my health, I am drinking 100 oz water daily, listening to personal development, eating 80% clean & pushing play on my program or go to the gym at this specific time everyday.
Because I VALUE my contribution to the world, I am working towards helping as many people as I can in a job that aligns with my beliefs.
Because I VALUE my life I am living in alignment with my decisions and more importantly MY ACTIONS.
If you all like these takeaways you are always welcome to join my audio book club on Sundays. I always post the link in my free group. Would love to have you join, bc I love growing with people who also want to work on our mindsets and who knows, maybe we can take back those years of snooze too