"People will respect you at the level you respect yourself & people will disrespect you to the level YOU tolerate."
Thanks for that little gem, Darren Hardy. Needed to hear it. Who else feels that on some level today!?
For me, this goes WAY above anyone around me, but instead I'm saying it to the disrespectful mean girl in my head that rears her ugly voice with words of doubt, envy and blame.
I felt her yesterday so instead of going on social media to let her control my thoughts I UNPLUGGED & instead tuned in to WHY. And I sought out kindness and loving words & affirmations from those I look up to.
Ya see, something I realize, no one has it all figured out. NO ONE. We ALL have our doubts & insecurities. I won't Put others on a pedestal where I think "I'll never be like them" instead I CAN and CHOOSE to learn from them & love them & myself.......which my inner mean girl HATES. But she ain't winning this game. My life boo. Not yours.
Also, I wish I could find that necklace I was wearing here...I think I dropped it in a toilet