Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Fit-Looking =/= Healthy

Just because someone is "fit looking" does not mean they are healthy. For years I thought that if I spent 2-3 hours at the gym I could eat whatever, but then when that didn't work I would binge and starve until the number on the scale was "just right."

That lasted for over a decade & I fluctuated between 105 and 125 for years ... The pic on the left was back in Feb of 2014. I had just done a "cleanse" where I had to give up 2 of my 3 meals for 2 shakes a day, and then the weekends were packaged wafers and more juicing.

I was an overtraining fitness instructor who was bingeing, I didn't need weightloss at that time. I needed something to supplement and add to my diet and not take away. Starvation is NEVER the answer.

I'm not trying to knock "weight-loss" remedies but knowing what I know now we ALL need to be better educated on actual nutrition and STOP this "starving bingeing skinny goals mentality."

I can even see it in my face on the left ....tbh I thought I would be smiling bigger in that pic but I still wasn't happy...I was physically run down. ALWAYS hungry, fatigued....but hey I "looked" healthier and could now wear a size 0. But was I healthy?


In April of that year I had almost accepted that I was just always going to yo yo diet and this was my life...until I FINALLY educated myself on what my body TRULY needed.

I threw out my scale. I ate MORE nutrient dense foods and I started to gain REAL confidence from what my body was capable of doing rather than what pant size I was. I learned from REAL nutritionists and followed a plan that helps guide me...still 7 years later.

If you are DONE with diet culture I want you to know you aren't alone & I'm always here to help btw, what I follow is not hundreds of dollars every month. It comes to less than $12 per month. So if you are ready to talk, I'm hear to listen.

PS....I've got a nutrition webinar to share exactly what I follow...would you like to join it?

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