Workout 9/42
YUP, Still doing the thing. Ya know there's something to be said about showing up.
You might not feel empowered and strong on day 1 or even day 10, but doing this now consistently for 42 months with hundreds of different workouts I can tell you that I feel so much more capable of making sure I'm taking care of ME.
Yup, I still teach 2 fitness classes a week but for my own workouts I get to turn off my brain and follow. And following is truly filling my cup.
I also don't break promises to myself like I used to and for me that’s one of the greatest wins there is. I'm finally listening rather than rushing and it feels so good.
I also did day 2 meditation today. And I'm SO loving feeling more present.
If you ever want info on what I follow then I'm here to help babe.