Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

What If You Succeed?

The answer you NEED is right in front of you.

You can research ALL YOU WANT but deep down you aren't looking for the PERFECT answer. You KNOW the answer. Ya just gotta DO IT. ya gotta take the leap even if you are scared.

The DO-ERS are NO different from anyone else, except they know the FASTER they move forward the FASTER they reach that goal.

It's not gonna be pretty or perfect or even that appealing at times, but ya just gotta say yes to whatever it is you have been thinking about. And instead of thinking about "what if I fail?" .... Pivot your thoughts to "what if I succeed?!"

I questioned Coaching for nearly 2 years before I become an Online Coach. And tbh my first 3 years was so difficult because I had to take the leap everyday. I had to show up and BELIEVE I am building something. I had to believe that people needed my help & I had to believe in MYSELF enough to not throw in the towel when times were slow.

The first half of my online business was full of mistakes but I learned new things. I moved passed the panic attacks of leading a team call...and a few days ago I was a guest on a podcast talking for nearly 2 hours easy peasy. Who am I!?!?!

I am ONLY the SARAH today because the SARAH 6 1/2 years ago had a little dream that she would someday become who I am today. But without taking that leap I wouldn't be here. I'd probably still be making 60-80k less than I make now and I wouldn't be working from home with Eddie. I'd still be teaching 15+ classes a week, overtraining and binge eating. Coaching saved my life y'all. 

And YES. I'm here to help a few more people this month who wants to grow an online business WITH ME. Next month my one on one calls are being scheduled and I want someone who is ready for change, who is driven and wants MORE out of their life.

Side effects might include you and your family and friends becoming healthier, wealthier & happier. So ya wanna have a convo about this? Because if you read THIS MUCH it probably means you are READY.

*Must be 18+
*Must be located in the US, UK, FRANCE or CANADA
*NO GAURENTEE of making bank. Ya gotta put un the work and everyone’s income in this is based on the amount of lives you change. Pretty rad right?!! Not a lotta jobs give ya a raise, or paid for beach trips, or gifts like luggage, apple watches, etc when ya help MORE people. I mean seriously how is this real life?!?!!?!

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