Last night one my closest friends Carol (as seen here🤣💕) said....."someday you will never have to stay in a hotel again!!" Meaning These road trips I take there's often times I reach out and ask to crash with friends and MOST times it's because I'm staying with Fellow Coaches who I only know because I put fear aside and asked them to Coach WITH ME! 💕
But seriously, it's freakin crazy to think what my life would be like with out having met and grew to love this team if it hadn't been for Coaching.
So just fyi ....if me, or Carol here invite you to join Our TEAM SWEAT or HealthYOUniversity it's because we KNOW it could change your life like it has for us. And seriously. This is the best life I thought I could have never have.
Thanks Carol! I love building this biz with you....but even more I LOVE our friendship. Love you beautiful 💕