Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Doing It Perfectly

I'm sure you have heard it...."it's not about the destination, it's about the journey." Then whey the heck is everyone showing the PERFRCT reels, and the PERFECT life & living like celebrities on the outside when you KNOW they are struggling at different times of life just like ALL OF US????

Thats not showing the world the authentic journey.

The authentic life, that's messy and is TRYING and showing up NOT perfect is what this world needs more of.

Last night a friend that wanted to see more about my Affiliate store wanted to chat and asked if we could do a fb vid chat. I told her..."sure, as long as you don't mind me in a robe and no make upπŸ˜œπŸ‘ŒπŸ½"

She said of course she didn't mind. We had a great convo, neither of us wearing makeup or "dressed for a meeting".

I want to praise both of us for that moment of just BEING. Just showing up, real, authentic, and not concerned about FITTING IN bc we know we already BELONG.

That's the type of life I will celebrate. I'm not perfect & definitely won't strive to be.

I'm not #1 when it comes to my work and I won't aim for that goal because I don't like who I am if I forget to just be in the moment.

So cheers to the REAL ladies on social. πŸ₯‚


πŸ₯‚Cheers to those that show up, make up free to just BE.

πŸ₯‚Whether it's bra less, kids or pets going cray in the background, catching a moment to work while sitting in the car, or maybe deciding to still do a 20 minute when you have so much laundry to do.

πŸ₯‚Maybe the celebrating is learning to be ok with asking for help or saying NO from a person or job that doesn't serve you anymore.

πŸ₯‚Cheers to listening to your HEART & choosing to show up to what YOU NEED in that moment because we know BELONGING matters more than trying to "look the part".


Your Sweaty Bestie

My Boss Sucks

I said what I said. Even in the BEST work I have had, I have always had Mentors & Leaders that didn’t treat me the way I deserved.

As in , YES, I deserved BETTER.

But I also realize their frustrations have NOTHING to do with me. They are reactive because they need to work on THIER MINDSET & MENTAL HEALTH.

They might use harsh words because they feel its the ONLY WAY to communicate.

Or it's the only way they KNOW HOW.

Forgive, let go, and understand you are worthy to seek out people and opportunities where you ARE seen and appreciated.

Your worth is never measured by the way someone acts TOWARDS YOU.

Just some thoughts and takeaways from today's book club listen. Btw, you are always welcome to grow with me in my free mindset group.πŸ’•

I've found that having friends that DO support you is everything.

Thanks for being here, friend.

Thumbs Up

Working online is strange sometimes. I'm in my inbox a LOT and I always find it interesting when I'm supportive of others and their work (I TRULY want them to win!) but when I turn around and invite someone to something FREE that my Naturopath Dr. offers I get SO MUCH push back. πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

But then I remeber WHY I do this. It's not for the ONE who doesn't see this value, but it's for the open minded who DO know I care for them and truly want to share what is helpful. FOR FREE!!!

Here are 2 messages I got back TODAY from people. I bet you can guess who I WANT to continue to work with. πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½

"Hi!! I teach classes all evening on Tuesdays but I’ve been meaning to join a session! Thanks for inviting me! I’m thankful that you don’t give up on folks like me on the fringe."

10 minutes later from another person....

"I’m sorry, did I ask for this info? I’m not into health or wellness or neuropathy so this invite seems very weird"

I honestly should have known. Bc this girl just sends me thumbs ups and only invites me to sign up for her "stuff." And Tbh… I hate thumb ups. 😹😹😹😹😜😜😜😜

Anyhow. Have a great day friends. I hope this was helpful to any of my fellow Online Entrepreneurs out there. 😘😘😘 Be nice, be supportive of ALL and if you have negative vibes from people, I think it's perfectly fine to use that UNFOLLOW button.

Love for Karen!

I don't even know how to share about one of most dearest friends, Karen. She taught Aqua Zumba on this cruise, but it's not JUST what she teaches that makes her stand out.

It's her LOVE OF PEOPLE. She wears her heart on her sleeve and offers more support than you probably deserve. Just saying. πŸ˜œπŸ˜˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

She's a REAL FAN of everyone, and she's the type of friend you wish you had all your life!

I love you Karen, thank you for not only the BEST aqua Zumba class, but for being one of the BEST humans, I get the privilege to call my friend. Love you!

Follow her on Insta HERE!

#KarmaVacations #dancefitnesscruise9 #dancefitnesscruise #aquazumba #zumba

Family Dinner

We just had a nice dinner with my mom n' law, Toni. She was here for the funeral of her sister, and while it was a sad & heartfelt week, we shared many laughs and memories about her dear sister Donna.

I only had the chance to meet Donna 1x, but in that short visit I just remember her infectious and loud laugh😹.

Its the kind you don't forget & the next time Eddie played a video game he belted out the loudest cackle and I realized that he gets his laugh from her. πŸ’Ÿ

She will always be remembered for that laugh and I will smile and think of her when I hear Eddie's laugh from now on.πŸ’Ÿ

Excuses are Reasons

If only my friends who I work with understood that the EXCUSES they give me are actually REASONS to.....

πŸ’ŸStart getting healthy...

πŸ’ŸBuild this online business with me...

πŸ’ŸJoin my mindset group and focus on what truly matters....

Seriously, I only wished someone would have told me right away...THIS FREAKING WOOOORRRRRRKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSS.

But I get it, we are hard on ourselves bc our ego's are tying protect us.

LISTEN. Your ego is NOT the responsible adult. Your dreamer/doer is the responsible adult.

Once I started listening more to the REASONS I should try, the MOREthings started going right.

Make 2024 different friends. You are worthy to show up.

#healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah

Monday Reminder

Your Monday Reminder .....ok, my Reminder too, because the more I hang with those that support rather than judge me, the more I feel connected to what truly matters to me.

I'm so grateful for the group of people who WANT to grow with me. You all know who you are. Thanks for being here, friends. I hope you feel that support and love from me, too. πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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