Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Excuses are Reasons

If only my friends who I work with understood that the EXCUSES they give me are actually REASONS to.....

💟Start getting healthy...

💟Build this online business with me...

💟Join my mindset group and focus on what truly matters....

Seriously, I only wished someone would have told me right away...THIS FREAKING WOOOORRRRRRKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSS.

But I get it, we are hard on ourselves bc our ego's are tying protect us.

LISTEN. Your ego is NOT the responsible adult. Your dreamer/doer is the responsible adult.

Once I started listening more to the REASONS I should try, the MOREthings started going right.

Make 2024 different friends. You are worthy to show up.

#healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah

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