Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.


I might use social media to connect with others and help them find solutions(if they need &/or want it) but I also use this platform for my OWN accountability.

These workout posts/personal development rants I often go on and on about don't really get a lot of traction(probably bc I'm not following the algorithm to "grow my reach") but tbh, I don't care. 🤣

I just want to show up, share, and motivate myself to keep going....if that happens to motivate one other person to keep going....then icing on the cake.

I shared in stories the other day about how when 243 people see my post, I usually have 5 that "like" it.

Those numbers used to get me so down about myself...but just like the scale, numbers mean NOTHING.

I am WORTH MORE than the number of the views or likes.

And if you want to share for YOUR own accountability also, then do it!!! You have at least one friend who will be supporting and liking that pic or video.

Love ya!


Your sweat bestie, S

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