Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

10 Years Later...

10 years later... What do you think? In 10 years can a person change? To me, I think so.

I remember working soooo many hours at soooo many different gyms, and at one point, at Golds Gym in Lancaster PA, I passed out DURING that job interview.

I asked to excuse myself to get water during the interview, and ran to the bathroom thinking I had to throw uo...then almost made it to the stall only to fall backwards, hitting my head on the floor. Ya think I was overtraining? Um yea...yea I was.

Needless to say, I didn't get the job.

I started working online 2 years later, and I'm so grateful that I now work out 5 hours a week instead of 25 hours a week.

I'm healthier, happier, and also can afford to have my own schedule(finally). Trust the process, friends. Look for the opportunity to grow, say yes to what scares you, and always remember, you are worthy to get uncomfortable and grow too.

#lifeofthefitnessinstructor #healthyandwealthycoaching #iam1stform #heretohelp

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