Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.


Played bingo for the first time ever tonight. We lost🤣 then went out dancing with people so young I could be their mom🤣 even though I felt older for doing these things I freaking loved every minute of it.

Age is just a number people!

I had the best times dancing with ppl I randomly met on the dance thanks to Carol ,(probably in her 70's there with her hub) was so fun to dance with! And also, Marisa, the sweet 24 year old who is dating the dj who TORE UP THE DANCE FLOOR, and Autumn who bought me a cherry something shot, so sweet! and to Bobby Joe, who I told him I was happily married when he asked me to dance. 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️ Is that a thing You feel you need to tell people if you are married??! Who knows, but I had a freaking blast!

And we were all cracking up just acting ridiculous to all the random Kareoke songs!!!!

Seriously, I hope when people see me making a complete fool of myself, that they always know that they are welcome to join in. It is part of the fun when you can finally just have so much fun and not care what others think!!! It's so freaking freeing!!!!

The little bar in our tiny town is exactly what my soul needed, and I will for sure be back.

Sorry theres not footage of it, we were all too in the moment, as it should be.

I had ether best night ever!!! Thanks for the fun hang @hillary.patton.5 love you so much friend!!!! Until next time😘😘😘😘😘 gnight!!!!!!

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