Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

The reasons we do something....


The reasons we do something....

we think we might be good at it.

The reason we don't do something...

we think we might NOT be good at it.

How many GREAT IDEAS have we talked ourselves OUT OF because we continue to judge who we are(or are not)?

I doubted this whole ONLINE COACH thing for almost 2 years.

I thought FIRST it was a pyramid scheme, then when I researched it and found out it's not I then thought...what OTHER reasons there were WHY I didn't want to pursue this. And it came down to BEING SUCKY AT IT. Truthfully.

I didn't want to be a beginner.

I didn't want to step outside my comfort zone.

I didn't want other people judging me for joining an online company.

So I stayed mierable.....and judgey of others success.

Until I said ALL those reasons SUCK LESS than the reason I'm staying IN THE SAME FREAKING PLACE!!!!

So I did it...

I became a beginner.

I stepped outside my comfort zone.

I stopped allowing myself to FEEL judged by others and tbh, people are self centered, we are all TOO CONCERNED about what other people care about WAY...TOO... MUCH..

Ya know how FREEING it is to make desicions without feeling judged?!?!?

Am I GLAD I took this chance!??!!

I think you already know that.

Babe, your story is JUST LIKE MINE. How many years you gonna wait before you allow yourself to dream bigger and take control with what YOU WANT IN LIFE!?

No, it's not easy, but it sucks less each day you confront fears and YES, you do learn and grow and make a POSITIVE impact on everyone around ya! And dude, that feeling is REAL FREEDOM.

I've got a Coach info session THIS Saturday at 10am est. I am going LIVE in a private group. Ya wanna join? Because if you love health and fitness and have a real passion for helping others then YES, I truly believe you could rock at this too, and our Body Positive MOVE-Ment (June group) is gonna be amazing!!!!!

Btw, No certs required, I teach ya everything ya need to know.

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