Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.



Frustrated. Envious. Over worked. Under paid...and bitter...and in secret, emotionally eating my feelings.

All feelings I felt before I decided that "mayyyybeee, I CAN change my situation." It started with my mindset. It STARTS with mindset EVERYTIME.

Instead of mirroring my negative emotions on everyone around me & continuing this cycle of jealousy, I started asking WHY I felt this way and truthfully its because I was frustrated with the rules I made for myself.

I said...."I can do this on my own"...over and over and over. It probably has something to do with being a middle child trying to fit in with everyone but at the same time pushing people away because of fear of rejection.

It took me saying..."If I want change then I NEED the help. I NEED to learn from those doing EXACTLY what I want to do."

I was sick of letting fear hold me back. My rule breaker- dreamer NEEDED this freedom. I felt it in my soul.

So WHAT IF I failed, I would be exactly where I was already, but WHAT IF I succeeded!?!? What would THAT feel and look like?

Guys, I think you might know the rest of my story because these last 7 years as an Online Coach has been one heck of a ride and I LOVE who I have become and I LOVE the people on this journey with me...I've found my soul sisters and brothers and I'm so freaking grateful.

Maybe you are one of them...or maybe you are thinking about teaming up....either way, what does your rule breaker dreamer say????

I want you to know YOU aren't alone. I'm here and my Body Positive MOVE-ment group starts in 20 days. Yes. I want YOU in it... Just fill out my link in bio. I'll send you info to take a look at.
#letsdothis2021 #healthyandwealthycoaching

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