Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Feels Like Hawaii


Might be snow outside but if feels like Hawaii inside Btw, fellow fitness lovers, I'm doing a training on launching my Body Positive MOVE-Ment Group and I need help running this!

So how about it!? Get paid by showing up on social media, sharing a free workout sample with ppl and get them results in our group?!?!

YES, that means Workouts, meal plans and supplements YOU CAN PROVIDE to them

Working smarter NOT harder is why I joined this 7 years ago. I can teach you EVERYTHING I know.

This training starts SATURDAY! Let's crush this TOGETHER!!!! Trust me, THOUSANDS of people are gonna sign up....they might as well go through you, ya know!?!?!?!?

#getpaidtosweat #healthyandwealthycoaching #bodypositivemovementgroup

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