Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Why I Never Stop Asking


Workout #1 "Ava, wanna workout with me!?"
Response: hard eye roll, walks away.

Workout #2 "Ya working our with me today?!
Response: smiles...and watches.

Workout #3 " Want to join today? I'm doing core and you can bring a towel to lay on it."
Response: brings out towels and gets up to do 20 seconds with me

Workout 4-7 ...she watches time to time...still curious...I'm still asking....

Workout #8 Ava asks if she can works out with me.

Guys, this is WHY I NEVER STOP ASKING you to join me.

We are ALL like kids, curious, scared to do something embarrassing in front of someone else...but deep down we think....."maybe I should try."

We ended up doing a fun circuit together. I'll post it later tonight...and yes, she did the WHOLE THING!!!

I'm So proud of your sweet kiddo

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