Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

I Can't Not Say It

I kinda created a war on my FB earlier for saying this......

"Well my friend list is full again. Time for people to de-friend me. I think Trump is a truly terrible person. I believe in God & I love Gay people and Black lives DO MATTER. "

I know what some of you are thinking..."Why would SHE get political?!"'s why....

This post is for the people who WOULD defriend or unfollow me for what I believe in. That's why I posted this.

To me, silence is violence and I want to take a stand for what I believe to be right. Bad things happen when good people do nothing. I want to encourage good people to stand up for what is right. Even if it causes others to judge or blame or hate....bc eventually when they run out people to blame and hate they might just look inward.

There's so much hate right now and I want to stand up for what is right and too many times I feel my posts have not said that enough. I also don't want my value to be based on how I look or how many friends I have...I want to be valued for what I also stand up to.

I want to do good in this world and even Jesus said what is right and stood up to the evil, even when the masses disagreed with did MLK did the MANY incredible leaders who weren't popular but stood for something GREATER than their egos....

Isn't that we should do here?

So yes, feel free to unfollow or unfriend me if you are so compelled. Or maybe just show more compassion to someone who doesn't look or talk like you. Because you might just learn about the love & good still left in this world. #itstartswithus #iamwithyou #dotherightthing

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