Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

You Are Worth the Struggle


Too often I hear people say they are too scared to try something new...not because it's actually scary but because they might fail, or suck, or look stupid trying.

Since when did failing become Sooo terrible?!?!? We gotta embrace it, NOT run from it!! How long has the thing that’s scared you been on your mind or on your to do list?

I get it though, I SO OFTEN waited on the side lines watching other people do EXACTLY what I wanted to do....and I'm not just talking strength here people. I'm talking health, career, relationships, financial freedom...TRUE HEALTH in every sense.

It wasn't until I realized I NEEDED the guidance and a system already ready to show me the way...then when that was evident I still didn't trust me and was afraid to fail. AGAIN. So I waited, and watched. For years.

Until one day, I said SCREW this, I need to at least TRY....otherwise I will never know....and yes, there have been hard and harder days, but then it hits me, I am doing EXACTLY what I set out to do. I am LIVING exactly how I only imagined.

What if MORE people could see my story as hope for their own?

What if owning my stories and showing that my struggles turned to my strengths, helped not just me, but gave others permission to try too?

That's why I share, and show up daily. Because I want YOU to know that you are worth the struggle too.

You CAN do the difficult things. Failing is and always will be a part of your journey. That’s the beauty of life. Show  Grow  Go 

Btw, if you are still reading this book ...Id love to hear from you too. What's something you are working towards that scares you??

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