I Am Relaxed
Today’s Card (&Batman) is a good reminder, that NO...you don't have to be GRINDING & HUSTLING & SWEATING all the time to "create" your happiness.
Those sayings....."Ya gotta grind. Ya gotta work. Ya gotta show up"....That's all well and nice but are you truly happy? Are you truly happy putting ALLL of your hopes for happiness into the future and NOT into the NOW!?!?! If your mindset is negative you will ALWAYS be reaching for the next thing without EVER feeling fulfillment. And that just sucks.
Dude, I used to think that the way to hit goals was to NEVER unplug. And for me, that DOES NOT.WORK... HECK.TO.THE.NO. And it NEVER will for me.
When I decided to work for myself I realized a few things....
#1 I'm never waking up before 9am again 🤣👌🏼
#2 If I feel the need to take a day or 3 off I WILL. Without guilt too.
#3 I WILL show love to myself by ONLY surrounding myself with people that ALSO want the best for me.
That ain't selfish people. I feel so loved and I feel so much more relaxed in my life because I have the love to give back to myself AND others. I'm SO thankful for the people in my life & I don't take them for granted because they remind me that my happiness is NOW. They have taught me that being grateful and happy are one in the same and I thank them for this life lesson.
With that said, I hope you are taking time FOR YOU, not just today but for the rest of your life. 💕